McG's on the 1881 English Census

For details see:
      go down the catagory index to Records-census
      then down that to 1881 Br census index
    (Please advise of any unusual spellings that I missed)

 Name     Born        Where Born    Census Place    Spelling 

A.             1857    -     b.Fife            Navy    Mc_Gillivray
Agnes          1845   Serv   b.N'umberland    Durham   Gilvray
Agnes/J        1872   Dau      N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Albert         1841   Ldgr   b.St Pancras     St Pancras, Ldn  Mc_Gilbery
Alexr          1809   Head   b.Scot    St Pancras, Ldn   MacGillivray
Alex           1853   Bord   b.Scot       Durham   Mc_Gilvray
Alec/H         1853   Bord   b.Scot     Lancashire    McGillivray
Alex           1866   Son    b.Liverpool, Lancashire    Lancashire   McGilvery
Alex           1874   Son    b.So Shields, Durham   Westoe, Durham  Mc_Gillaray
Alex           1874   Son    b.Devon      Stoke Dameral, Devon  Mc_Gillivroy
Alexa          1880   Gson   b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Alfred         1826   Head   b.Plaisrow, Essex   Finchley, Ldn   Gilvray
Alice          1843   Wife   b.St Pancras, Ldn      Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Alice/Eleanor  1851   Wife   b.Ramsbottom, Lancshire   York    Mc_Gillwray
Alice          1851   Wife   b.Stockport, Cheshire    Cheshire   Mc_Gilvery 
Alice          1862   Dau    b.St Pancras, Ldn       Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Alice          1868   Dau    b.So Shields, Durham   Westoe, Durham   Mc_Gillaray
Amey/A         1871   Dau    b.Newcastle      N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
Andrew         1841   Head   b.Scot        Durham   Mc_Giloray
Andrew         1860   Soldier b.Ireland  Portsmouth, Hampshire   McGelloray
Angus          1867   Bord   b.Canada     Rutland   Mc_Gillivray
Ann(Cundick)   1851   Wife   b.Warminster, Wilt  Southwark, Surrey Mc_Gillivray
Annie          1869   Dau    b.Hull, York       Durham   Mc_Giloray
Annie          1875   Dau    b.N'umberland    Gilvray
Archibald      1820   Head   b.Scot        Durham    Mc_Gillivray
Benj           1864   Son    b.Heaton Norris, Lancashire  Lancashire  McGilvery
Bessie    see Eliz
Boyd/Hy        1846   Head   b.Marylebone   Acton, Middlesex  Mac_Gillivray
Cath/D         1835   Wife   b.Nairn, Scot   Stoke Dameral, Devon  Mc_Gillivroy
Catherine      1841   Wife   b.N'umberland    Gilvray
Catherine      1853   Serv   b.Scot   Christchurch, Hampshire    Mc_Gillivray
Catherine      1853   Serv   b.Scot     S'hampton   Mc_Gillivray
Cath/J         1870   Inmt   b.Ireland  Portsea, Hampshire  Mc_Gillaway school
Cath           1871   Dau    b.Devon       Stoke Dameral, Devon   Mc_Gillivroy
Charles        1847   Lodg   b.Scot    Lancashire    Mc_Gilvray
Chas  1837 Head b.Heaton Norris, Lanc  Lanc  McGilvery Adm to Mary/Ann (Holborn Will)
Chas           1861   Groom  b.Callingworth, Cul  Kensington   Mac_Gillerray
Charlotte      1856   Head   b.Liverpool, Lancashire  Lancashire  Mc_Gillivray
Christine      1853   Serv   b.Renfrew, Scot   York    McGillwray
Christina      1855   Wife   b.Scot      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Christ'd/F     1878   Dau    b.So Shields, Durham  Westoe, Durham   Mc_Gillaray
Daniel         1844   Head   b.Scot       Westoe, Durham Mc_Gillaray  confectioner
Dan'l          1857   Son    b.Windle, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
Daniel         1876   Son    b.So Shields, Durham    Westoe, Durham  Mc_Gillaray
David          1866   Son    b.Windle, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
David/A        1880   Son    b.Jarrow, Durh     Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Don            1827   Head   b.Nairn-sh, Scot  Hampstead, Middlesex  Mc_Gillivray
Don            1837   Serv   b.Inverness, Scot    Paddington, Ldn  Mc_Gillionay
Don            1850   Neph   b.Scot  Colchester, Essex  Mc_Gillivsay (-Don Fraser)
Donald         1851   Head   b.Scot      Southwark, Surrey   Mc_Gillivray  agent
Don            1854   Son    b.St Pancras    St Pancras, Ldn   MacGillivray
Donald         1854   Head   b.Scot     Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Don            1861   Son    b.Liverpool, Lancashire    Lancashire   McGilvery
Donald         1868   Son    b.Scot Warwick   Mc_Gillvray
Donald         1870   Son    b.Salford, Lancshire    York    Mc_Gillwray
Don/G          1880   Son    b.Liverpool, Lancashire  Lancashire  Mc_Gillivray
Dunc           1850   Head   b.Scot      West Ham, Essex    Mc_Gillircry
Duncan         1855   Head   b.Scot     Lancashire    Mc_Gilveray
Duncan         1857    -     b.Glasgow, Scot      Lancashire    Mc_Gilvray
Dunc           1880   Son    b.Earlestown, Lancashire   Lancashire   Mc_Gilveray
Edith          1866   Dau    b.Ldn      Surrey    McGillevary
Edith          1880   Dau    b.Clapton     Middlesex   McGillivray
Edmund         1816   Head   b.Newcastle, N'umberland    N'umberland    Gilvray
Edmund         1877   Son    b.Durham     N'umberland    Gilvray
Edward         1841   Head   b.N'umberland   Gilvray
Edward/Dan'l   1855   Military prisoner b.Claybank, Leicester   Middlesex  Mc_Illree
Eliz           1831   Serv   b.Ireland  Alverstoke, Hampshire  McGilloway  cook
Eliz/A         1837   Wife   b.Weedon, Buckingham     Ldn   Gilvray
Eliz           1841   Serv   b.DBG      Ealing, Middlesex  MacGills_May
Eliza          1844   Wife   b.Hull, York       Durham   Mc_Giloray
Eliza          1849   Wife   b.Hull, York     York  MacGillivary
Eliza          1849   Wife   b.North Walsham, Norfolk  West Ham, Essex  Mc_Gillircry
Elizabeth      1856   Serv   b.Scot                    Cheshire    Mc_Gilvray
Eliz           1866   Head   b.Falkland Is    Alverstoke, Hampshire   McGilloway
Elizebeth      1867   Dau    b.Ldn      Surrey    McGillevary
Eliz           1867   Dau    b.Heaton Norris, Lancashire  Lancashire  McGilvery
Eliz           1869   Dau    b.St Pancras, Ldn     Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Bessie/A       1870   Dau    b.Scot      N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Elizabeth/D    1876   Gdau   b.Newbiggin, N'umberland  N'umberland Mc_Gillivray
Elizabeth      1877   Dau    b.Durham    Durham   Gilvray
Ellen          1840   Wife   b.Windle, Lanc   Lancashire Gilvray  (wed age 17)
Helen          1848   Dau-in-L b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Ellen/F        1864   Serv   b.Durham     N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
Ellen/L        1872   Inmt   b.Fortsa, Hamp  Portsea, Hampshire  Mc_Gillaway
Ellen          1873   Gdau   b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Emily          1860   Dau    b.Manchester, Lancashire   Lancashire  Mc_Gillivray
Emily          1861   Dau    b.Heaton Norris, Lancashire   Lancashire  McGilvery
Esther         1868   Dau    b.N'umberland    Gilvray
F/M            1876   GDau   b.York     York    Gilvray
Fanny/A        1860   Dau    b.Hampstead   Hampstead, Middlesex  Mc_Gillivray
Fanny          1860   Wife   b.Eckington, Derby   Chesterfield, Derby  Mc_Gillivray
Florence       1871   Dau    b.Ldn       Surrey    McGillevary
Flora/J        1874   Dau      N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Flow           1875   Ldgr   b.Battersea     Middlesex  Mc_Gilliway
Flora          1878   Dau    b.Newcastle      N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
Florence       1878   Dau    b.Lambeth, Surrey      Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Fredrick       1864   Son    b.N'umberland    Gilvray
Geo            1824   Head   b.Scot    Lincoln    Mc_Gillivray
Geo/Foster     1868   Son    b.Hull, York       Durham   Mc_Giloray
Geo/A          1876   Son      N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Georgina       1846   Niece  b.Rode, Somerset     Wiltshire   Mc_Gillivary
Georgiana      1877   Gdau   b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Gilbert        1848   Head   b.Scot      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Hannah         1836   Wife   b.Stockport, Cheshire    Lancashire    McGilvery
Hannah         1858   Wife   b.Wethersfield, Essex     Middlesex   McGillivray
Hartwell/Steele 1809  Officer b.All Sts Newcastle on Tyne  N'umberland  Gilvray
Helen      see Ellen
Henritta       1860   Serv    b.Forres, Scot   Harrow On Hill, Middlesex  McGillivray
Henry          1830   Head    b.Eccleston, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
Henry          1862   Son     b.N'umberland     N'umberland    Gilvray
Henry          1866   Gson    b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Hugh           1870   Son     b.Scot      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Hugh/J         1873   Son     b.Newcastle    N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
Isa            1845   Ldgr/Head  b.Gloucester    Middlesex  Mc_Gilliway
Isa            1869   Dau     b.Cork, Ireland  Stoke Dameral, Devon  Mc_Gillivroy
Isa            1875   Dau     b.Wickham, Durham    N'umberland   Mc_Gilvray
James/A/J      1848   Son     b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
James          1853   Head    b.Scot    Chesterfield, Derby   Mc_Gillivray  police
James          1856   Lab     b.Scot     Middlesex   Mc_Gillivray
James          1863   Son     b.Windle, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
James          1872   Son     b.Salford, Lancshire    York    Mc_Gillwray
Jamesong       1878   Dau     N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Jessie         1810   Head    b.Scot    St Pancras, Ldn Mac_Gilivray
Jessie         1845   Wife    b.Scot       Westoe, Durham   Mc_Gillaray
Jane           1846   Wife    b.Scot     Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Jenny          1846   Wife    b.Newcastle    N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
Jane           1847   Head    b.Scot      N'umberland   Mc_Gillivary
Jean/Alexa     1848   Sister  b.Marylebone   Acton, Middlesex   Mac_Gillivray
Jane           1853   Dau     b.N'umberland     N'umberland    Gilvray
Jessie/W'a     1855   Niece   b.Scot  Colchester St, Essex  Mc_Gillivsay (-Don Fraser)
Jane           1856   Wife    b.Scot     N'umberland    Mc_Gilvray
Jane           1856   Wife    b.Scot    Lancashire    Mc_Gilveray
Jessie         1858   Wife    b.Scot      Embsay Cum Eastby,York   McGillivray
Janet          1867   Dau     b.Hull, York       Durham   Mc_Giloray
Jesse          1869   Dau     b.Wakefield, York     York   MacGillivary
Janet/A        1879   Dau     b.Scot     Lancashire    Mc_Gilveray
Jno/Thos       1816   Head    b.Woolwich, Kent    Lancashire    Mc_Gillivray
John           1829   Head    b.Scot      Surrey    McGillevary
John           1832   Head    b.Ross-sh, Scot  Stoke Dameral, Devon Mc_Gillivroy
Jno            1833   Head    b.Dysart, Scot       Surrey   Mc_Gilvery
John           1846   Head    b.Scot     N'umberland    Mc_Gilvery
John           1849   Head    b.Hulme, Lancshire    York    Mc_Gillwray
John           1849    -      b.Fife           Norfolk   Mc_Gilvery
Jno            1849    -                        Navy    Mc_Gilvery
John           1851   Head    b.Scot        Surrey    McGillivray
John           1851   Serv    b.Scot    St Marylebone, Surrey   Mc_Gillivray
John/A         1852   Bord    b.Escrich, York     Lincoln   Mc_Gillivary
John           1854   Head    b.Scot      N'umberland    Mc_Gilvray
John           1854   Priv78th b.Scot     Royal Navy   Mc_Gillivary
John           1857   Head    b.Scot      Embsay Cum Eastby,York   McGillivray
John           1858   Serv    b.Scot       Stockton on Te, Durham   McGillivroy
John           1859   Bord    b.Jarrow, Durham    Durham    Mc_Gilvray
John           1859   Head    b.Scot   Hackney, Ldn   McGillivray
John           1860   Serv    b.Poplar, Middlesex   Ldn St Dunsta.. Gillray/Gilbray
John           1861   Son     b.Hampstead      Hampstead, Middlesex   Mc_Gillivray
John           1861   Son     b.Scot       Surrey    McGillevary
John           1863   -       b.Ireland     S'hampton    McGilvery
John           1863   Son     b.Liverpool, Lancashire    Lancashire   McGilvery
John           1863   Priv109th b.Cork, Ireland  Aldershot, Hampshire  McGilvery
John           1867   Son     b.Glasgow, Nairn(x)  Stoke Dameral, Devon Mc_Gillivroy
John/Jim/P     1871   Nephew  b.St. Pancras   Acton, Middlesex   Mac_Gillivray
John/Peter     1876   Son     b.Salford, Lancshire    York    Mc_Gillwray
John           1880   Son     b.Barden Moor, York   Embsay-Eastby,York  McGillivray
John           1880   Son     b.Hartlepool, Durham      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
John           1880   Son     b.York    York    McGillivray
John/A         1880   Son     b.Whittington, Derby  Chesterfield, Derby Mc_Gillivray
Joseph         1853   Son     b.Parr, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
Joseph         1855   Bord    b.Skye, Scot      Middlesex    Mc_Gilloway
Louisa         1847   Gov'ness b.Scot  Kensington   MacGillerne (1845 on fiche)
Louisa         1868   Gdau    b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Lucy/E         1862   Bord    b.Nova Scotia       Middlesex   McIllrae
Madeleine/M/L  1834   Head    b.Bombay x (Br Sub)  St Marylebone, Ldn Mc_Gilvray
Margaret/A     1880   Niece   b.Derby    York    Mc_Gillivray
Margt          1837   Head    b.Pwellewelly, Wales   Lancashire    Mc_Gilvery
Margt          1874   Dau     b.Lambeth, Surrey      Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Margt/A        1880   Niece   b.Whittington, Derby    York   Mc_Gillivray
Mart(ha) or Margt 1822  Sis-in-L b.Nairn, Scot  Islington, Mid-sex McGillioray
Mary/W         1815   Wife    b.St Marylebone    St Pancras, Ldn MacGillivray
Mary           1826   Wife    b.Ornnington, York     Lincoln   Mc_Gillivray
Mary           1839   Wife    b.Liverpool, Lancashire  Lancashire  Mc_Gilvery
Mary           1841   Wife/Head b.Scot Warwick   Mc_Gillvray
Maria          1847   Head    b.N'umberland    Gilvray
Maryanne       1849   Vis     b.Bayswater, Mid-sex  Hammersmith, Ldn McGillivray
Mary/Ann       1858   Dau     b.N'umberland     N'umberland    Gilvray
Maria          1861   Dau     b.Salford, Lancashire   Lancashire    Mc_Gillivray
Maryanne       1872   Dau     b.Lambeth, Surrey      Surrey    Mc_Gilvery
Mary/A         1876   Dau     b.Reddish, Lanc           Cheshire   Mc_Gilvery
May            1878   Dau     b.Scot     Lancashire    Mc_Gilveray
Matilda        1869   Inmt    b.Falkland Is     Portsea, Hampshire  Mc_Gillaway
Merinda        1853   Head    b.Heaton Norris, Lanc   Lancashire  Mc_Gilvery
Nathaniel      1827   Head    b.PEI, Canada   Lancashire   Mc_Gilvery
Norman/M       1880   Vis     b.Newbiggon, N'umb'd  Hammersmith, Ldn McGillivray
Robt           1842   Son     b.St Pancras    St Pancras, Ldn   MacGillivray
Robt           1864   Bord    b.Wapping, at Sea  Alverstoke, Hampshire  McGilloway
Robt           1870   Gson    b.St Pancras   Mac_Gilivray
Robt/W         1875   Son     b.Wakefield, York  York   MacGillivary
Robt           1876   Son     b.Hull, York       Durham   Mc_Giloray
Rosa           1870   Dau     b.Wakefield, York  York   MacGillivary
Sarah          1819   Wife    b.Manchester, Lancashire  Lancashire  Mc_Gillivray
Sarah          1821   Wife    b.N'umberland     N'umberland    Gilvray
Sarah/Ann      1836   Wife    b.Bognor, Sussex      Surrey    McGillevary
Sarah          1852   Dau     b.Manchester, Lancashire  Lancashire  Mc_Gillivray
Sarah/A        1867   Inmt    b.Falkland Is    Portsea, Hampshire  Mc_Gillaway
Sarah/A        1867   Dau     b.N'umberland      N'umberland    Gilvray
Sarah          1867   Dau     b.N'umberland      N'umberland    Gilvray
Sarah/H/B      1879   Dau     b.Stockport, Lanc         Cheshire    Mc_Gilvery
Sophia/M       1829   Wife    b.Ldn, Middlesex  Hampstead, Middlesex  Mc_Gillivray
Sophia/M       1856   Dau     b.Islington, M-sex  Hampstead, Middlesex  Mc_Gillivray
Sophia         1872   Dau     b.Newcastle, N'umberland      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Susannah       1854   Wife    b.Durham     Durham   Gilvray
Tavish         1852   Bord    b.Scot     N'umberland    Mc_Gillivray
Thomas         1849   Head    b.Stockport, Cheshire    Cheshire   Mc_Gilvery
Thomas         1855   Son     b.Salford, Lancashire   Lancashire    Mc_Gillivray
Thomas         1860   Son     b.N'umberland    N'umberland    Gilvray
Wm/M           1845   Head    b.St Pancras, Middlesex     York   MacGillivary
Wm/F           1854   Head    b.?        Durham    Gilvray
Wm             1859   Son     b.Manchester, Lancashire    Lancashire   Mc_Gillivray
Wm             1859   Ldgr    b.Middlesex  St Anne St, Westminster, Ldn   McGillvray
Wm             1871   Patient b.St Pancras  Fulham, Middlesex   Mc_Gillwary
Wm/Andrew      1872   Son     b.Hull, York      Durham   Mc_Giloray
Wm/J           1874   Bro     b.Forton, Hampshire  Alverstoke, Hampshire   McGilloway
Wm             1875   Son     b.Crook, Durham      Durham   Mc_Gillivray
Wm             1876   Son     b.Eccleston, Lancashire   Lancashire    Gilvray
Wm             1878   Gson    b.York    York    Gilvray
Wm             1879   Son     b.N'umberland   Gilvray
Wm/F           1880   Son     b.So Shields, Durham     Westoe, Durham   Mc_Gillaray