1779 Argyll Census
'Inhabitants of the Argyll Estate' by Eric Cregeen, 1963
Scottish Record Soc. Available on Mormon film.
This was a complete census of people on Argyll's lands in 1779.
As such, it didn't include Pennyghael or other heritor's lands such
as Lochbuie, or similar areas in Lorne. Brolass, was included as
its court case was not concluded. As both Brolass and Pennyghael
were on the 1716 list (shown elsewhere) it is possible to estimate the
size of the 1779 Pennyghael estate. It is not certain if those men
who were away with the Fencibles were listed although Neil
McGilvray was included. There were no McGilvrays on the Duke's
lands in Aros or Torosay. Regrettably, Mull's female names and their
ages were omitted.
Off Mull
Clenary; p.11 (4mi SW of Inveraray)
Janet Fisher widow age 55
=Don McIlvorie her son 30
and Peggy McIlvorie 23
and Violet McIlvorie 16
Killean; p.11 (W coast Kintyre)
John (51) McIlvorie 36
+ Eliz Murray 34
=Mary 8
=Don 6
=John 4
Elrigbeg?; p.18 (not in Gazatteer)
Cath McIlvorie widow 60
Mannal; p.58 (S end Tyree)
Flory McGilvray cottar 60
Ross of Mull 15 families and 20 fencibles
Saorvein; p.71
Arch McGilvra 16 apprentice to Don McDonald, tailor
(might assume he's son of Neil)
Neil McGilvra tenant 45
+ wife
=Don 12
=Sandy 2
and John McGilvra servant 20
and his mom
Tirergan; p.72
Don McGilvra tenant 24
and his mom (widow?)
and his sister
Suie; p.76
Dunc McGilvra tenant 72
+ wife
=John (no wife listed) 30
and Dunc (grd-son) 4
and Sandy (grd-son) 2
and maid
Flory McGilvra widow 19
=Don McCarmaig 3
=Angus McCarmaig 1
and John McCarmaig 90 (her father-in-law?) McCormick
and maid
Scoure; p.81
Ferquhard McGilvra 30 workman
+ wife
=John 1
and his mom
and his sister
and his sister
Sheabach; p.81
Wm McGilvra Bowman 60
+ wife
=Arch 15
Ardtun; p.82
Martin McGilvra millar 57
+ wife
=Don 25
=Angus 7
Marion McMillan widow
=Arch McGilvra 13
Icolmkiln (Iona); p.98
Hector McGilvra 62 workman to Neil McDonald
John McGilvra 12 herd to Neil McDonald
Don McGilvra 5
Don McLean tenant 70
and Dunc McGilvra grd-son 6 (likely part of Hector's family)
Bunessan; p.76/7
Peter McGilvra workman 55
+ wife
=Arch 20
=Neil 14
Don McGilvra tenant 60 no women
=Dunc 16
=Neil 30
and Hugh grd-son 2
Arch McGilvra tenant 32
=Don 1
and 2 maids
Christy McGilvra (doesn't say she's a widow)
Assaboll; p.77/8
John McGilvra workman 45
+ wife
=Don 12
Mary McGilvra widow
Margt McGilvra widow
Knocknafennaig; p.78/9
John McGilvra no job 45
+ wife
=John 8
=Hugh 3
Malc McGilvra keeper 50
+ wife
=Don 18
=Neil 9
Brolass. (includes the N shore of Loch Scridain)
6 families and 5 fencibles
Ardchrishinish; p.101
Angus McGilvra herd 15 to Don McLean schoolmaster
(likely son of Malc)
Beluich; p.101
Malc McGilvra tenant 63
+ wife
=Angus 12
=Don 6
=Sandy 4
Torrenichruich; p.101
Neil McGilvra age? soldier in fencibles
+ wife
=John 5
Killinnaig; p.104
Hugh McLean miller 40 + ? McColl
Martin McGilvra cousin 6 (likely son of Neil)
Ulvalt; p.106
Neil McGilvra 35 servant to Don McDonald, tacksman
Darrerach; p.106 (Dererack)
Hector McGilvra workman 45
+ wife
=Don 9
=Neil 6
=John 1
Burg; p.109
John McGilvra cottar 72
+ wife
=Chas 9
Dunc McGilvra cottar 30
+ wife
Off Mull; parents kids etc
Inveraray Janet, w 1 3
Kintyre John, ? 2 3
Tyree Flo, cottar 1
4 6 = 10
Total of 3 households
Ross of Mull; (Total Ross population = 869)
Saorvien Neil, tenant (Serphain) 2 5 2
Tirergan (Don), tenant 1 2
Suie Dunc, tenant 1 2 2
Scoure Ferq, workman 2 1 3
Sheaback Wm, Bowman (Shiaba) 2 4
Artun Martin, miller 2 4
Marion, w 1 1
Iona Hector, workman 1 3
Bunessan Peter, workman 2 2
Don, tenant 1 3
Arch, tenant 1 2
Christy, ? 1 3
Assaboll John, workman 2 1
Knocknafinning John, ? (W of Ardalanish 2 4
Malc, keeper 2 4
(15 households; 20 fencibles) 23 41 7 = 71
Brolass (part); (Total Brolass population = 582)
Beluick ?? Malc, tenant 2 5
Torrenichruich Neil, soldier 2 4
Ultvalt Neil, servant 1
Darrerack Hector, workman 2 3
Burg John, cottar 2 1
Dunc, cottar 2 1
(6 households; 5 fencibles) 11 14 = 25
This 1779 list shows 26 men between the ages of 14-60. If
the 1716 figures for the 1779 non-surveyed areas are added, there
would be an additional three men for Pennyghael and another three
men for Kilninian. This adjusted total of 32 compares to the 31 in
1716. It appears the 6 men in 1716 Torosay (who were not listed
there in 1779) have been displaced. Did they return to
Similarly adjusting the above 21 McGilvray households, to
include Pennyghael and Torosay, gives 26 for all of Mull. Such a
very conservative estimate is risky given that Argyll's lands in
1801 represented only 32% of the population in Kilninian and in
Torosay, and 55% in Kilfinichen. But, church and census records
confirm there were relatively few McGilvrays in those other lands.
A very liberal guess would be 30 households.
It's strange that the number of McGilvrays didn't increase during
these two peaceful generations. Comparisons with other families
is risky because later church records indicate a surprisingly large
number of McGilvrays remain single and those that marry often have
small families. It is known that the above 96 McGilvrays represent
a mere 6½% of the total Ross and Brolass Argyll population.
We were not a numerous clan. The average McGilvray household
was only 4.6 persons (2.6 adults and 2 kids). Large families were
not the McGilvray norm.
A further comparison with the 1675 figures of 34 men (shown
elsewhere) indicates the numbers of McGilvrays had decreased
during the preceding generation, likely due to the disasters of the
late 1600's. Emigration was not yet a factor. Although there would
soon be a major migration from Mull to Glasgow, church records
indicate there were only a half dozen McGilvray families there c1780.