1685/92 Mainland Argyll McG's

            'The Commons of Argyll'; MacTavish, Dunc C.
                         1935  NLS 1935.22
            (Originals in SC54/22/119, and /120, and /121
                   SRO; but VERY hard to decipher)

A list of rebels, in mainland Argyll, was compiled at Inveraray Court House in the
fall of 1685.  Done by parish, it included 28 McG's.  The most serious McGilvray
offenders forfeited * their stock on 12 Oct 1685.  Although these all should have
been on the initial list it was not possible to identify each one.  Some spellings may
have been missed and some were not included such as, McIlleriavich, McIlrivich,
McIlrash, McIlvrion, McGillvib, McGilborid, McOlvrid, McIlbryd, McIlbreid,
McIlborid, McIlerane, McIllevin, McIllevoyll, McIclerich, McIenvoell,
McIlshynie, McIlverchar, McIlguirme, McIlluy, McOlvei, McOlvea, McIlvuy,
McOlva, McIlvey and McVorish.

A list of 13 fencible McGilvray men (F) (i.e. ages 16 - 60) in mainland Argyll
was drawn up 26 May 1692.  This often included more than one man per household
and sometimes overlapped with the above list.  However, it is unlikely that the men
who were known rebels (R), only 7 years before, would be desired or so listed.
Spellings are once again very problematic; such as McIlvernock, who were very common.

It is debatable if these totals can be combined but it appears there were 39 separate men
or about 30 households.

Dunc McIlvorie (R)          Culgaltro, (just n of) Kilberrie
     Dunc McOlvorie (F)     Tarbert's Lands, Kilberry
     Dunc McIlvorie (F)     Achendaroch, Tarbert's Lands
                              (just w of Lochgilphead)
Patt McIllvory (F)          Craiglassen and Daill, Tarbert's Lands
                              (nw of Lochgilphead)
John McIlvra (McIlbra) (R)  Campbeltown (Lothhead)
Gilbt McIlvorie (R)         Scottimell, Knapdeall (Scotnish?)
                              (ne of Tayvallich)
John McIlvorie (R)          Ardnackig, Knapdeall (sw of Crinan)
John McOlvory (F)           Bravalichs ??, Glassary (Kilmichael)
Dunc McIlvory (F)           Barmolach, (nw of) Glossary
John McOlvory (F) (absent)  Ederlingbeg, Glossary (1mi s of Ford)
Neill McOlvory (F)          Dunemuch, (1 mile s of) Glossary
Dugald McGilvorie (Mcgilborid) (R)      Archamash, Kilmartin
                              (Arichamish is on lower Loch Awe)
     Dougald McOllvorie in Arhamsh forfeited * 9 cows and 1 horse
John McIlvorie (Mcgilborid) (R)   Archamash, Kilmartin
     John McIlvorie in Arhamsh forfeited * 6 cows, 1 horse, 1 mare
Malc McIlvorie (R)          Glenliver, (5 miles ne of) Kilmartin
John McIlvorie (R)          Craigintervbeg, Kilmartin }
Dunc McIlvorie (R)          Craigintervmor. Kilmartin }
                              (near Craignish?, nw of Crinan)
Dunc Roy McIlbryd (McIlborid) (R)     Overshervan (Horfrornan),
                              Kilmartin (1 mile e of Ford)
     [Could this be the Dunc Roy McIlverie who is sued 28 July
      1693 by Jean Campbell, widow of Alex Campbell of Stondour,
      for a debt?
     [A Don McIlvory, in Over Fincharn, was 19 and single in 1714
      (b.1695) when he found some stolen cattle.
Dunc McOlvorie (R)          Ardlarich, Craignes (1mi w of Kintraw)
John McGilvorie (R)         Kilmund, Dallaich (n shore mid L Awe)
John McIlreivye (R)         Glendarell and Moybeg, Kilmodan
                              (3 miles e of Otter Ferry)
     John McIlvorie (R)     Moybeg, Kilmeden (Glendaruell)
Dunc McIlvorye (R)          Glendarell and Moybeg, Kilmodan
     Dunc McIlvorie (R)     Moymor, Kilmeden (Glendaruell)
       (pressed into serving)
Evir McIlerevye (R)         Moymar, Kilmodan par
Don McIlvorye (R)           Achilolad ??, Kilmodan
John McIlvory (R)           Kilbrydmor, Kilmodan (6mi s of Furnace
John McIlvorie (R) (pressed)   Achinelan, Innerchellen par
                              (4 miles sw of Dunoon)
Arch McIlvorie (R)          Cuilivuick (Cuilmuich), Lochguylshead
                              (3 miles s of Lochgoilhead)
Don McGilvorie (R)          Gavnan ??, Lochguylshead
John McOlvorie (R)          Achindrean, Glenary (n of Furnace)
Angus McIlliver (R)         Lailt etc, Kilcolmkill + Kilchivon  ??
Don McIlbuy yr (McIlbrey) (R)   Giza (Gigha; off coast of Kintyre)
Dunc McIlbrey yr (R)        Giza
John McIlvorye (R)          Comqhart, McGibons Lands   ??
John McIlvarie (R)          Glentarsan, Capt Dunoone's Interest ??
Donnald McIllvreid       in Overlergie ?? forfeited * 3 cows 1 horse
Malc McOllvorie             Achinellan ??  forfeited * 4 cows
Dunc McOlvory (F)           Killespickerrell ??
Jon McIlevori (F)           Killespickerrell
Gilbert McIlvory (F)        Clachandysort ??
Dow McIllevory (F)          Crunchan, Innishail and pt Kilchrenar
                              (n side upper Loch Awe)
Ken McIlvernak (F)          Nether Lorn ??
Johne McIlveilollie (F)     Blythswoods and Skipness's lands ??