'49       dates are 1800's eg. 1849
'43/8     1843-1848 inclusive
+         married
=         kids
÷         possible kids
-         possible relationship
ACh       Anglican Ch; Ottawa unless stated - Bearbrook
Agric     agriculture
AOnt (AO) Archives of Ont
Arnp      Arnprior
Ass't     assessment
b.        born
b./bapt   eg. 18 Sept/11 Nov
Bk        Bearbrook
Buck      Buckingham
bur       buried
Ca        Caanan
Cda       Canada
Ch        church
Cl        Clarence
comm      common lot
CR        Clergy Reserve (land)
Cu/Rock   eg. Cumb/res in Rockland (when wed)
Cu/Cu     eg. b. and bapt in Cumb
Cu        Cumberland
d.        died
dec'd     deceased
Dir       directory
DO        daughter of
F         farmer (usual occupation unless otherwise stated)
FC        Free Church
Gaz       gazetteer
Gen'l     general
Gen'y     genealogy
Gl        Gloucester
Hawk      Hawkesbury
lab       laborer
lib       library
m.        married
Mac       see Mc
Mercht    merchant
Mort      mortgage
Na        Navan
NLC       National Lib of Cda
nmln      no mother's last name listed
ns        new survey (of Cumb land)
OLI       Ont Land Index (i.e. Upper Cda)
OGS       Ont Genealogical Soc
OPL       Ottawa Public Lib
Ont       Ontario
OPR       Old Parish Register; i.e. Ch records
os        old survey (river lots)
Ott       Ottawa
p.        page
PAC       Public Archives of Cda
Pet'n     petition
Presby    Presbyterian
res       residence
Rev       Reverend
Rock      Rockland
Sc        school
SO        son of
Twp       township
UCh       United Ch OPR
UCLG      Upper Cda Land Grants
UEL       United Empire Loyalist
Wit       witness
WO        wife of
yr        year