A Little Catsmas Tale >^..^<

It was the week before Christmas and Winter Solstice - whatever you may pick
- and Geneva was eager to help out with the decorations.

Snuggles came along and asked if he could help.

Geneva said "Sure, but I pick the ornaments. You do the garland.".

Things got busy and creative. Someone brought out the catnip and then things just got silly.

Geneva was exhausted from all that hard work! She had to lie down.


Furry, purry Christmas, everyone!

Created: December 2006
Updated: December 2008 (recycled, hairballs and all)
and again in 2018 (Misc. edits. OMG those darn cats are still alive!)
and again in 2019 (Farewell, Mr. Snuggles)
By T.A. Jamone Visit My virtual home