Carpe Machinam Inc.

  About "Carpe Machinam Inc."
Just as "Carpe Diem" may be taken to mean "get the most out of every day", I like the thought of getting the most out of a system ... or a machine.
It's been said ... "carpe machinam ne te machina carpet" which translates as "Seize the machine lest the machine seizes you!"
So let's try to understand the system, and leave The World a better place than the way we found it ...

Carpe Machinam Inc. (inactive) was set up for me in 1995 by my daughter Nadine.

Job-security as an employee in the Federal Public Service seemed uncertain at that time, and I thought it best to have a "Corporate Identity" which would have been necessary in case I had to sell myself as a consultant. I wanted a way of supporting my habits of eating regularly, and sleeping indoors ;-^) ...

However, now that I have been retired since the end of 2000, Carpe Machinam can stay "inactive", and I'm so busy I don't know how I ever had time to go to work!