Adam asked Felicia to say something on the air. She balked when she found out what it was.
Nancy has a seriously important chem exam. She told Greg she was certain she'd flunk and NEVER GET INTO NURSING SCHOOL. NURSE NANCY? Greg calmed her down. (He kissed her.)
Donna seems determined to seduce Michael away from his important business. He didn't seem to mind. A Marlena phoned.
Brittany phoned Rachel. Peter appeared and Brittany pretended to be chewing out a dry cleaner. She managed to make Rachel understand that Peter was there and she was coming over to talk with her.
Rachel was dissatisfied with her sculpture.
Michael had to go sign papers. Donna drowned her sorrows in iced tea. Michael halted. A Deborah phoned to insist that the papers be signed.
Felicia said she wouldn't say that Cass and Kathleen and a load of Tanquirian money had run away with Cecile. Adam asked her to trust him and say it. Zane sided with Adam. Felicia gave in when convinced that it wouldn't put Cass and Kathleen in danger.
Donna suggested they go swimming. She convinced Michael to massage her neck. She gave him a bathing suit she'd bought for him. She seems to consider it a marital duty.
Adam asked Zane to go to the Happy-go-lucky diner for him. He can't spare a man. Zane forbade Felicia to go.
Greg assured Nancy she'd pass. "The little engine that could"-type encouragement.
Catlin showed Larry photographs of Sally's car proving to his own satisfaction that someone had tampered with it. He couldn't get Larry to tell him anything.
Brittany got ready to go riding. Peter said she wouldn't go anywhere without his permission and made her apologise and ask permission. He very graciously gave it.
Jake accused Greg of being more involved with Nancy then he'd intended. He denied it.
Donna got upset with Michael for seemingly employing nothing but women who have nothing better to do than interrupt romantic idylls with telephone calls. He told her he loved her and would indeed marry her. She asked when. He said as soon as he cleared up a major problem. Kissing. The doorbell rang. Enter Adam. Well, at least he's not a dishy blonde.
Brittany rode over to Rachel's. She told her her life was a nightmare. Rachel asked what was up. Someone is lurking in a stall. (At first I thought it was Peter, but upon reflection I have decided it must be Mitch.) Brittany produced the papers and explained the situation. Rachel said she needed an attorney and took her up to the house.
Donna was terribly gracious. Michael and Adam small talked her out of the room. Adam reported that the Vulture was coming to Chicago via Houston and Felicia's show was coming on. Exit Adam. Enter Donna. Michael said he wanted to watch Felicia's show. Donna said she was trash. Michael insisted. Donna left him to it .
Ludwig is going to Bay City without the Vulture. Problems must be eliminated.
Felicia interviewed a man whose house is reputedly haunted by a ghost in a string bikini. Eventually she got to the Adam news . Michael and Adam were pleased. Jake said it wasn't true but he guessed Felicia would say anything.
The attorney told Brittany if she filed a complaint she would lose custody of the baby for as long as the battle raged. The only way to speed it up would be to connect Peter with a crime or prove he constituted a real and present threat to the baby.
Nancy feels great about her exam. It's over. She thanked Greg profusely. He asked her out. She said she had to work. They seemed sad the summer will end so soon.
Brittany decided to get something on Peter. She begged Rachel not to tell anyone, especially Catlin.
Felicia was reported to Paraguay. The Vulture decided he had to go to Bay City himself.
Donna accused Michael of trifling with her affections. He explained that something was happening that affected their future. Adam phoned to say the Vulture was on his way. Donna fumed.