Cass got organized. He told Nicole he could put on her show for a lot less than $1.5 million.
Dawn played guitar. Scott had overslept, so he was late for their beach breakfast date. She told him she'd been accepted at the Chicago Academy of Music. He congratulated her. He listened to her first assignment and was impressed.
Donna woke up to find Michael and Victoria had already gone to work.
Peter apologised to John for not keeping their appointment and had him sign things. Donna found them on the terrace. Peter insisted on his right to have his friends over to his house to play. John frowned enigmatically. Michael appeared as Peter revealed that John had bought the sailboat. He thought it was great. Peter told Donna she had to sign, too. She hesitated only briefly. Michael had to dash.
Scott said he'd seen Rocky 8 times. He told Dawn he'd always wanted to be a lawyer. Dawn noticed how late it was and fled. Scott said he'd see her later.
$975,000. (Cass knows a guy in the discount bobbin game.) Nicole said she wouldn't do anything less than first class and raised her figure to $2 million. Barbara came up in a hideous leopard print which Cass greatly admired. Nicole stamped her foot -- she'd designed it. Cass held her back. That Old Carrot came up and kissed Barbara's hand. Nicole longed for her trust fund.
Zack solved Mary and Vince's division of property problems by putting Mary's Place in trust for the children. Zack does not approve of this divorce. Sara wrote up Zack's bill. MJ came in and found the napkins Vince claimed Mary had hidden. MJ said she'd summoned Mary for an important discussion. She's going away.
John owns a boat. He may set sail. Donna said no one would mind. Exit John. Clara would mind. Peter slipped the note into a handbag.
Zack came by to help Cass and Nicole.
Mary arrived. MJ said she was feeling addled and she didn't think she could sort herself out in Bay City. Vince was unhappy. MJ assured Mary she'd come back someday. Cheryl came out to ask what the fuss was about.
Peter smuggled the purse around to the end of the table where John had been standing when Donna came out, and when Donna missed it he pretended to find it and in passing it to her dropped it so that the contents fell out and Clara picked up the note and read it. She asked Peter to leave her alone with Donna. Clara refused to believe Donna when Donna said she'd never seen it before. She asked if she and John were having an affair. Donna said it was absurd and she had no feelings for John and didn't want him in her life and she and Michael were trying to have a baby. Clara was stunned. Donna advised her to talk to John. Clara said she must have done something to encourage him. She said she might be forced to speak to Michael and collapsed just as Michael appeared. He asked Donna what she'd done.
Zack said Nicole couldn't get her money until she was 35 or married.
MJ said goodbye to Cheryl. Cheryl cried. MJ gave Mary a couple of letters to deliver, one for Adam and one for Chad. Vince assured MJ he'd never stopped loving her. She burst into tears and left, having promised to call. Sara looked on. The McKinnons comforted each other. I like Mary's suit. She gave Sara the letter for Chad (Sara's dress has a hole in the back. It's weird) and headed back to work. Scott arrived and held Cheryl's hand a little. Dawn arrived. Cheryl gave her the classifieds. The McKinnon house is empty. Cheryl told Pops maybe they should place an ad.
Michael wouldn't let Donna help with Clara, since she'd upset her. He was short with Peter. He told Donna that Michael shouldn't treat her like that. Michael ordered Peter out. Peter went upstairs. Michael asked Donna what she'd done to upset Clara. Donna said she'd told her she'd said she wished John would sail away. She told Michael she hated John because he didn't deserve his brotherly attentions. Michael was upset she hadn't told him. They quarrelled bitterly. He told her she was a needy child and he didn't need that. She told him his standards were impossibly high and he was too virtuous to be human. She said she could never be as good as he was. He said she could and he was being strong for her and he believed in her. Bridget fetched him.
Zack went home. Nicole thanked Cass for his help. He let on he was mercenary. She approached That Old Carrot's table and snatched up a couple of invitations to Barbara's fashion show. Barbara chafed.
Michael packed to go away. Donna begged him not to go. She promised not to upset Clara. He didn't answer when she asked if he thought he'd made a mistake about her. He left. She cried and refused to be comforted by Peter. Then Michael phoned from his car to say he hadn't made a mistake. Peter took the message and passed it on a little garbled. He said it was John, saying he was sailing away.
John paid Henry the mechanic for his help. He may or may not be ready to leave tomorrow.