Zane went to the hospital to visit Kathleen. He had to wait with Edouard. Felicia arrived; Zane hid behind his newspaper as Edouard gallantly presented her with a rose from his flowers for Kathleen.
Brittany told Sally she wanted to explain.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Chris: didn't you hear that? Nancy: oh come on Chris just take my picture. PLEASE. Carl: say cheese, Nancy. Nancy: Carl. Carl: I suggest you both stand still. Well. This exceeds my wildest dreams. Your father was a naughty man, Christopher. Nancy: but you're DEAD [as one stating an insuperable objection]. Carl: am I? Why is it I'm always the last to know these things?
Felicia noticed Zane. He kissed her possessively for Edouard's benefit. Talk got small. Edouard asked if Felicia had plans for Thanksgiving. She's having brook trout with Zane. A nurse said Kathleen could have visitor singular now and Felicia who must bail Cass out in ½ hour was given the go-ahead.
Sally wouldn't let Brittany come in. Britt told her it hadn't meant anything, he still loved Sally and it was all her fault. Sally refused to believe it. Britt told her how upset Catlin had been and they'd been looking for Evan. She mentioned Indianapolis and Sally linked it to the lingerie [Britt didn't admit to stealing the card, she said she'd forgotten her nightie and Catlin had refused to let her pay for one] after finding out Evan was dead they'd needed each other for support and since it was all her fault Sally should hate her and not ruin Catlin's life. Sally called her a liar.
Nancy: but Marley shot you. Carl: well the gun went off, it's true, but Marley isn't one of our finest marksmen. Markswoman. Marksperson. Anyway I believe she hit the sky — although she might have missed that too. Turns out Carl dropped to a ledge and hid from Jake and Marley before following the Princess's signal. Chris tried to convince him to let Nancy go because Perry had loved her. Carl said she'd betrayed him by selling her favours to a Chapin.
A nurse asked for Edouard's autograph and raved about his stage Hamlet. She hopes he acts again. Zane was pleased to hear he was returning to Hollywood. Edouard cited Felicia as his inspiration. Zane thinks Felicia is too generous for her own good.
Felicia told Kathleen all of her plots for the Cass & Kathleen wedding [which she's had in mind ever since they met]. Kathleen was not thrilled. She said she had to face reality. Felicia thinks reality is she'll make a complete recovery and even if she doesn't it will make no difference to anyone. Quoth Kathleen "how many marriage proposals did I get when I was stomping around on my own two feet? He did it out of pity." Felicia disagreed. Kathleen got hysterical about pity. Felicia calmed her and left to bail Cass out.
Sally told Brittany she'd done an admirable job of convincing her that she and Catlin had been sneaking around behind her back for months. Brittany told her she'd see things more clearly in a couple of weeks. Daniel called and Sally was nice to him. Britt said she [Britt] and Catlin were finished. Sally threw her out.
Felicia ran into Wally. They hope Cass & Kathleen get married. Wally has hopes of being best man. Felicia told him about the ring. She's not sure because Zane's taking so long to give it.
Zane gave Kathleen a bunch of hard-boiled detective books. Catlin called [returning her call] and arranged to meet her in an hour.
Britt ran into Catlin in Smiley's and told him she was sorry to hear Sally was moving out. She let it slip that she'd talked to Sally. He got mad. He asked what happened and told her to stay away from Sally DAMN and stomped out. [That was his DAMN not mine.]
Felicia and Cass are waiting for the paperwork. Cass' cellmate Phoebe [?] was a real blast. Cass' bail was denied, having been appealed by the DA.
Carl told the children to fill sacks with treasure. They suspect him of going to kill them once they've carried the sacks out. "Frankly I've never WANTED to kill anyone — with one exception. I mean to resort to that is to admit that you didn't do the job right in the first place." Nancy told him he'd never kill Mac. Suddenly Chris and Carl were fighting with weird staffs. Nancy couldn't reach Carl's gun. Carl got Chris down.
Cass got weird. Felicia assured him she'd appeal this decision and warned him not to hover over Kathleen right now. He was returned to his cell yelling he loved her.
Felicia met Zane in the hospital and told him about the bail. Grant and Edouard appeared to say people would be having Thanksgiving dinner with Kathleen [one at a time Kathleen who can't have many visitors? How odd.]
Kathleen recalled the proposal. Felicia came in and Kathleen could tell they denied him bail. It's the old story of DA wanting to make a name for himself. Felicia assured her everything would be fine. Kathleen made her promise not to set her heart on her and Cass getting together. She loves Cass but it seems impossible now. DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME.
Chris got up. Further fighting.
Kathleen asked Catlin to investigate Daphne's murder and prove Cass was innocent. Catlin is not overfond of DA Martin. He was nice to her. She sent her love to Sally. He said "sure" and left.
Zane warned Felicia not to interfere in Cass and Kathleen's life. Catlin went past in a horrible hurry [YOU KNOW I'D FORGOTTEN HOW HE KNEW ZANE] and Felicia worried a little about him. She has no idea why he should be unfine. Zane told her this would be an unforgettable evening.
The moving men took the last of the boxes. Sally went into the bedroom and looked at a picture of Catlin and Kevin. Aunt Liz followed her. Sally hugged her and sobbed "I loved him Aunt Liz." Liz comforted her as she cried harder.
Chris and Carl.
Wally found Felicia in the hospital. She suspects Zane will propose. She can't decide between Zane and Edouard because when Edouard kisses her it's as if she's REALLY being kissed. He took her on his knee [figuratively speaking] but when it looked like to be a long story they agreed to meet at her place later to hear the PMI of Felicia's love life.
Sally: this is the last box and then I'll be out of your way. Catlin: listen I know Brittany was here. Sally: I'll bet she ran to tell you that one, didn't she? Catlin: I ran into her at Smiley's, by accident. Sally: did you run into her in the stables by accident too? Indianapolis, Dry Creek? Catlin: I'm sorry. I should have told you about looking for Evan. But the right time just never came along. Honey, you have to understand we thought he was alive — Sally: I don't want to hear about Evan. I don't want to hear about Brittany. It's too late. Catlin: honey — Sally: if you'll excuse me, I've got a plane to catch. Catlin: let me get that for you — [reaching for her box] Sally: I'LL GET IT. Catlin: you're not even going to listen to me at all? Sally: NOPE. Goodbye. Exit Sally. Catlin: SAY HI TO DANIEL FOR ME. [If he had any sense he'd be saying things like how he's made the biggest mistake in his life and she has a right to be angry but — rather than trying to justify his actions and prove he deserves to be forgiven.]
Chris pursued Carl outside. Carl jumped off a Cliff and froze in mid air.
To quote Arlene: "and I thought this was going to be the marriage that finally worked."