Ada bitched about Carl to Rachel. Rachel can't think why Carl sent the Egyptian stuff. Ada says he's a maniac. She says Love and Chapin were crazy too but Carl was the looniest of all. She's determined to send the stuff back. And he has to leave Nancy alone.
Carl asked Bridget if Donna were happy and friends with Daphne. He was perturbed to find the box had gone. He suspects Chris bought it. Bridget said if anyone had it was Daphne.
Marley was locked up. The law doesn't believe she's not Victoria. Marley's frightened out of her wits and Jake's determined to get her out.
Daphne told Michaud she refused to be part of his plan to seduce Sally in front of her husband.
Sally wonders if she deserves to be so much happier than last summer.
Michaud told Daphne she had to be attentive to Catlin and he wanted Sally only as spokesperson. They fought. At least she did. He said he loved her too much to lose his temper. She asked forgiveness. He thinks Sally should be tempted with worldly goods. He loves Daphne. She's not like Sally. He knows.
Liz assured Sally that she shouldn't feel guilty about being happy. She thinks Michaud is going to turn the evening into one long sales pitch. Enter Catlin of the same opinion. Liz rushed off with Kevin. Sally can't understand why Catlin is so threatened by Michaud. She said they didn't have to go to dinner if he didn't want but then talked him round. Catlin thought there was someone lurking around outside the cabin. He's not thrilled by black tie. ["Who wants to go to a party with someone who dresses like Fred Astaire?" WELL. I like black tie.] Sally's got him wrapped around her little finger though and she loves him so he's going and they kissed a lot.
Rachel wants to sketch one of the beautiful Egyptian items. Keep it rather than send it. Incorporated into the Lesoleil design perhaps. Ada doesn't care.
Carl asked Bridget if Donna had sold anything else. Bridget doesn't know. Carl doesn't want Bridget to tell Donna he's there. "I shall let you into a little secret, Bridget... Your mistress loves surprises." He can't wait to see the look on her face.
Marley asked what Victoria had done. Grand Theft Auto. Jake's insane but she won't let him call Victoria. She says Donna can't know Victoria's wanted. She'll live. He'll raise bail. He'll break every bone in Ned's body. [Starting with the one in his head.] Marley said [realised] he knew Vic had stolen a car. Oops.
Donna refuses to consider an offer of $2 million for the estate. Peter's put out. The buyer is anonymous.
Sally rushed out to pick something up. Catlin told her to drive safely. Sinister sound of a man lurking about in the woods.
Marley interrogated Jake relentlessly. He tried to get out of it by saying he'd heard her mention Ned and he'd received the impression that Ned had had the hots for Vic but she repulsed his advances and when he let her borrow the car he'd called it in stolen. Jake decided to go to Johnstown to get Marley a lawyer. Suddenly he realized Marley would have different fingerprints. Marley wants to know why Vic's fingerprints would be on record.
Victoria rejected expensive jewelry on the grounds that it was too ostentatious. Enter Sally retrieving a repaired bracelet. Victoria selected a cheaper [$850] pair of earrings and bought those without a second thought. Sally was impressed. A man came in. Sally let him know she'd seen him following her for the past three days. He denied it but pursued her when she left.
Donna found Carl in the living room and [I'm told] leaped across the room in horror. She got a little hysterical and said he couldn't stay there if he'd broken out. He said he was on furlough. She told him there was nothing left to steal. They dream about killing each other. He said he comes as a friend. She told him to stop doing that. He offered her $50,000.
There is no record of Vic's prints. The bail will be nearly $1000. He had promised not to call Bay City.
Rachel broke a vase and cut herself.
The man gave Daphne something and told her Sally had spoken to him. She got upset and told him she'd pay him and then he had to get out.
Carl suffers remorse. He wants to buy Peace of Mind. She is distrustful. He intends to reimburse her. He says she has a lovely face and he must undo the pain he's caused her. She won't give him anything. He said she'd forfeit the entire fortune that way. Exit Carl. Donna told Bridget he wasn't to be let in again. Jake called and told Bridget all about it. She told Vic. Vic talked to him. He took fits. She hung up.
Daphne assured Michaud she would flirt with the very handsome Mr. Ewing.
Kevin wants to take Sally's picture. She looks smashing. The limousine came with a package for Kevin from Michaud. Catlin and Sally left. "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" said Aunt Liz.
Ned had lent the car to Vic in hopes of sex. It had broken down on the way to Bay City so she'd taken the bus. Vic's worried about Marley's discoveries ruining her family life. Bridget urged her to wire the bail.
Michaud told Catlin Sally does nothing but sing his praises. Daphne seems to be inclined to breathe funny. Catlin said Lesoleil was impressive. Michaud took him aside to chat. Daphne told Sally she'd been wise to turn down the job because Michaud was very demanding. Michaud looked at her murderously.
Marley's free on bail until her trial. She asked Jake where he'd got the money. He said he had to get it back to his friend [masculine]. She wants to go back to the house and interrogate him.
Rachel found Carl on the Cory doorstep.