June 26, 1986

Nancy told Greg she had plans. Jake appeared.

Quinn was rather hysterical. Sergeant Meacham tried to soothe her and said he'd send someone by in the morning . She took his name and said he was THROUGH.

Kathleen asked Adam to get her the police report on her mother's death. His concern annoyed her and she informed him she didn't care about Cass.

Cecile and Cass went to the hotel. She hedged. He said he was running out of patience. The King called and Cass said perhaps he'd tell him what was up. LaRusso sprang up and choked him. Cecile banished him at Cass' insistence. The King urge Cecile to get a move on.

Michael dropped by the Corys' to wait for Adam.

Jake teased Nancy about Greg. They picnicked like mad. Here's to being friends. She said the lake was freezing. Jake objected and threw her in. She screamed .

Kathleen thinks her parents had the most loving marriage going. She asked Adam out. He said he wouldn't be a substitute for Cass and biffed off. She opened the file.

Cecile asked Cass why he suspected there was a plot afoot. He said she needed a massage. She fell in with that idea very readily.

Quinn is calmer now. The Sergeant said they didn't have the manpower to look after her tonight. She got upset again. He asked her to fill out a form. She said he was a poor excuse for a public servant (especially with MJ stomping a beat). Do I sense romance? Ick.

Nancy took fits at Jake for being mean, heartless, and totally insensitive. He tucked in to the picnic lunch, unconcerned. He said he'd tell her a joke. She asked whether it was clean. He said it was so clean you could tell your mother. He started to tell a joke about a guy with a sprained ankle and a fortune teller and couldn't finish it, having forgotten the punchline. She teased him about his potential career in standup comedy. He said Marley used to tease him about forgetting punch lines and quickly changed the subject.

Quinn's car wouldn't start. Sergeant Meacham wanted over to help and she was mean to him. He yelled at her. she apologised humbly. He offered to look at her engine.

Zane and Felicia tried to convince Rachel that Cass wouldn't have bashed Kathleen . Adam arrived and was introduced to Michael. They pretended not to know each other. Rachel dragged Mac and the Lindquists off to her studio. Michael and Adam laughed at each other. They've known one another for five years.

Kathleen stomped around with music in her head.

Cass asked Cecile for the truth after having got her hotted up. She fumed. She told him Tanquir was unstable, filled with anti-monarchist and anti-this-particular-King factions and it was her duty to produce an heir. She's ostensibly in Bay City to get repaired, although it's the King's problem. He asked why she had chosen him. She hedged and admitted he looked like her husband.

Felicia overheard the phrase "Investigation at Gallant's" in Adam and Michael's conversation (not the part about Cecile and ostensibly a homicide though) and seemed suspicious. The crowd returned.

The Sergeant refused to give up and let Quinn take a cab. He said he'd drive her home and look at her apartment. I'm so sick.

Nancy tried to get Jake to talk about Marley. He bristled and said it wasn't meant to be. He wants a yacht. No dog and 2.2 kids and a crummy job. Marley didn't see it that way so it wouldn't have worked. She thinks he's trying to make himself feel better.

If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful.

Cass told Cecile what a great plan it was. He asked about the backup plan. She was mysterious. Let's just go ahead with plan A. He said they had to make a big splash, after all, he was going to be a FATHER, quell thrill.

Nancy told Jake one had to work very hard to get off the ground. They had a great time. He looked at her funny and insisted she go for another dip. Scream scream scream splash.

The Sergeant told Quinn her locks were pathetic. Having no man in her life is not good. He said he'd come over tomorrow to fix her security. Goodnight.

Zane defended Cass to Adam . Felicia rescued him and they went in to dinner. Michael cautioned Adam not to tell MJ anything. Cecile is the key to THE VULTURE.

Cass made reservations for dinner. He's really getting into the spirit of the thing. She headed for a cold shower. He was stopped at the door by good old Chacha. He informed him they were going to dinner and retired, gnashing a tooth or two.

Dee told Nancy she was working at Mary's place now. Nancy was too busy fussing about Greg to be thrilled. IF I ONLY KNEW HIS LAST NAME. Enter Greg. "HOUSTON."

Felicia checked up on Kathleen. Kathleen told her she was working on her mother and father's book.

Cass took Cecile to dinner.


