Adam chafed. MJ told him she was worried about Kathleen.
Cecile said LaRusso and Czaja had forced her to lure Cass and Kathleen there. Kathleen established that they were indeed bandying words like death about. Cass promised to take care of her.
Rachel and Catlin chatted about Brittany. They suspect she's in danger from Peter. Catlin said it was his baby.
Brittany told Peter she'd fight him. Donna rushed in and said no one was to use the phone in case Marley called again.
The scum oozed all over Victoria. She told him she wasn't Marley. He said he didn't care. She pulled away and assured him she wanted what he wanted but she was starving to absolute death. He said he'd wait and it wouldn't be worth it to stall.
Brittany said she was going to take the baby up to bed. Peter told her to stay and informed her she was in for an evening out with her adoring husband and she wasn't going to wear tacky rodeo clothes and embarrass him.
MJ suspected there was more to Adams weirdness than what she knows. He said he wanted to question Cecile about Cass. She suspected him of holding out on her. He phoned Cecile.
Cass stressed to Czaja and LaRusso how chummy they had become and that he loathes Cecile too. LaRusso called Cecile honey (she was revolted) and said they'dh torture Cass and Kathleen if she refused to tell them what they wanted to know. Cass asked them to let Kathleen go. She said she wasn't leaving without him. The phone rang.
Adam got no answer and phoned for a car to go to the Bayview Arms. He wouldn't let MJ go. He told the car guys just to drive by. MJ phoned Jake to find out where Kathleen was. He suspects her of quietly making up with Cass. He assured her there was no need to worry.
Brittany said to herself that she couldn't bear to lose another baby and told Peter Reginald (otherwise known as my little Catlin) his daddy loved them both and they'd all be together. She imagined how wonderful it would be. No money, but lots of sex. Donna stomped through to complain about not being able to find Michael. Miss Weston appeared and spirited the baby away saying Brittany was to go and show Peter what she meant to wear. Brittany realised that Donna had known about the papers all along and said she made her sick. Donna said all she cared about was Peter having the appearance of a faithful and devoted wife and being able to control Brittany. (UnDonna, guys; I don't believe it.)
Victoria had to keep reminding the scum that her name was not Marley. He showed her the newspaper clipping (of the engagement, I guess) about Marley Elizabeth Love and Jacob Vincent McKinnon. (Jacob Vincent. I think I am going to be sick. I cannot spell adequately the revolting noises I've been making for the past 5 minutes.) She asked to see it. She admitted there hadn't been a wedding. He asked what had happened. She told him to lay off. He got mad. She placated him. He said he knew she was stalling and suggested she tell him about herself. When she repeated she wasn't Marley he got mad again. He said he'd make up for old Jake and told her she was finished eating. He said he'd make her real happy.
Adam fumed about not having a warrant. MJ was caught out having traced Cass and Kathleen's license plates. He agreed not to report her if she to answer a question: would she do the same for him if he was out of her sight for 5 or 6 hours? She said yes.
Peter told Brittany she was expected to love honour and obey like mad. Peter: how 'bout a kiss? Brittany: over my dead body. Peter whatever. SILENCE. He kissed her and said he expected a vast display of passion in public.
Victoria: if you're trying to get me in the mood this is not the way. Scum: I don't care about your lousy moods. Victoria: you know, this was what was wrong with Jake, too. Scum: what's that? Victoria: he was just too rough. If a guy wants to get to me he has to be gentle. She suggested music or a walk on the beach. He said he wasn't as stupid as she thought and attacked her. She struggled. He didn't like it.
Catlin left a message with Bridget for Brittany to call. Felicia suggested he take the night off and try to talk to Brittany. He said part of him wanted to protect Brittany because Peter was such a louse and part of him wanted to have nothing to do with her because she had loused up his life with Sally. He said he didn't know if he could ever forgive her for it but the baby was the important thing.
Adam got his warrant. A call came saying Cass' car had been outside Cecile's hotel for hours. He and MJ rushed out.
Peter invited Mac and Rachel to join them. They refused. They think Peter's behaving funny and Brittany's miserable. Peter told Brittany they were going to dance.
Donna phoned Jake to ask if he'd heard from Marley. He said not. She told him about the call. He said he'd call if he contacted Marley. He mused.
The scum told Victoria she still loved Jake but he didn't love her. He decided to make a little phone call. He thinks it's hysterically funny that she claims not to be Marley.
Adam pounded on Cecile's door.
Catlin wonders what's up with Peter and Brittany.
Mac and Rachel are wildly happy.
Peter told Brittany to kiss him. She refused to slobber all over him.
The scum told Jake he was hanging out with Marley at her old lady;s beach house. Jake said if he touched her he'd kill him.
Adam sent MJ to guard the other entrance. They found no one there.
Cass regained consciousness in a place filled with wild laughter.