July 16, 1986

Brittany is sulking. She told Peter she'd kill him if he didn't leave her and her son alone. He warned her not to threaten him.

Adam took the morning paper to Michael (and incidentally Donna. She happened to be there).

Jake and MJ refused to let Cass in to see Kathleen. Vince's orders. Cass caught up with her. He pled. Jake pushed him out. Cass pushed in. He told Kathleen he had nothing to do with Cecile's money. (It's the paper.) MJ tried to intervene. Kathleen cried and cried . Cass insisted he loved her and he'd make her believe it.

Adam and Michael claimed to be terribly interested in the Cubs. Donna said she wasn't interested in their secrets because she was going shopping.

Peter regained his composure and pointed out to Brittany she wouldn't have a chance if she fought him in court. He told her she'd signed her son away and her mistake was trusting him. He told her calling a lawyer was futile. He could tie up the case or buy off her attorney. He wants revenge. She can take the credit for turning him into such a monster. He said he was going riding with Cecile.

Cass is frustrated. He got organised with Wally and Felicia and Zane.

Jake said he thought Cass was telling the truth. Kathleen got upset. He said he thought Cass was trying too hard to be kidding around. MJ sided with him. Jake said he wished he had another chance with Marley. Cass deserves one.

Wallingford said he thought Cecile's enemies would be helpful. Cass. Rachel. Mac. Donna.

Adam biffed off. Donna and Michael kissed. He called her Blackie and said he loved her. [Ed. note: Michael went home last night.) He said they'd talk about something tonight and left. Donna ran into the scum. He claimed to be there to check her cable. She refused to let him in. He said he'd lose his job. She let him in and turned him over to the housekeeper (Mrs Willis). She told him to hurry. She left. Blade arrived.

MJ tried to convince Kathleen Cass should be heard. Kathleen decided to talk to Felicia.

Brittany cuddled her baby and said the only thing that mattered to her was him and she'd give her life for him. She said Peter wouldn't hurt him. She said he was like his daddy and she'd call him little C because Peter Reginald stunk.

Adam told Michael that Tanquir was totally blacked out and Cecile had gone riding with Peter. (Of course, the stables. Ye gods.) They hope she hasn't found what they couldn't. Michael wants to find Victoria to protect her from the Vulture. MJ arrived. Michael left. Adam and MJ get along quite well.

Scum and Blade looked around. Scum arranged it so that he could get in and out. Blade warned him not to let anyone get hurt and said he didn't want to be involved. Scum wants Marley.

Kathleen arrived at the Northwoods Inn as Cass was trying to pay for the food fight damage. Zane rushed Felicia out. Kathleen was civil to Cass. Cass said he was sorry but he had to go. LaRusso told him the Queen was waiting. Kathleen got resteamed.

Peter told Brittany all about his ride with Cecile and how wonderful Cecile was. She was not receptive. He said he wasn't a pushover anymore. She said she'd fight him and win.

Michael told Donna he loved her and he wasn't going to let anything happen to her or Victoria or Marley but he couldn't tell her what was going on.

Adam gazes. He and MJ had ice cream. A guy came by and said there was someone climbing a trellis at the McKinnon house. Adam asked if he had dark curly hair and when he found he did said it didn't matter.

Cass attempted to reason with Kathleen. She sent him about his business.


