Muffy was desperate to buy back Nancy's drug.
Daniel wants to take Daphne home. She wants to stay and drink. Some man leaped to preserve her honour.
Rachel told Mac about Michaud's cheque. They're surprised. Rachel's afraid of being stiffed. Mac's going to check out Lesoleil.
Michaud and Sally went up to the top of the Lesoleil Tower. He said it could all be hers. She's not wild about heights, she says. [Curious.]
Muffy's in a state. Nancy was bitter about what she told her about ecstasy. She told her she needed help.
Daniel (after smashing the mildly drunk man) accused Daphne of waiting for Michaud to come and get her. She raved about his obsession with Sally. He looks at her funny. Daniel pointed out Sally was married happily. He thinks Daphne's deluded. She said Sally could have Michaud and soon she'd wish she'd never seen his face.
Rachel stopped Mac. She wants to deal with this on her own. They can't believe Michaud would be so remiss. Out of touch with reality. Rachel set out for Michaud's office. Mac advised her to give him hell.
Sally was impressed. They drank champagne. Michaud told her he wanted to give her this and her to be the Lesoleil Woman.
Mac invited Nancy (who appeared mildly depressed) to come along to the office with him. He said he'd let her photocopy her hand if it would make her feel better. She'd rather stay here. He offered to stay with her. She said he needn't. He loves her. He left. "Ecstasy. Oh boy. What am I going to do? I don't want these." Chris came across her. She told him she'd had a fight with a friend. He offered to punch her [the friend] out. She said no. "Aw, come on. I love all that macho stuff."
Daphne insists she's not drunk. She had to get away from Michaud. She's going to get even with Frederick. She'll get friendly with Chris. [Frederick's dead.] Daniel advised her to forget about the men in her life and think about herself. She wants to be happy with Michaud. He advised her to go for it. She decided to go back to the office. He was pleased.
Michaud told Sally she was the QUINTESSENTIAL American woman. She asked what being the Lesoleil Woman would entail. He told her she'd be a sort of spokesperson. ("The physical and mental embodiment of what we do here.") She asked about being married. He asked [rather petulantly for him] what that had to do with it. She flared up slightly and said it had a lot to do with it because it was a very large part of her. He said she could live there. He promised glamour excitement fame and first-class travel. She has to think about it and her family. He urged her to accept and promised her what no one else in the world could give her.
Larry and Catlin need a vast sum of money before they can open. The D.A. wants to prosecute Adrienne (who's in critical condition). Larry's not thrilled. The pore gal ain't got no reason to live. Catlin doesn't think Larry should provide one in the form of himself. Britt's being released tomorrow. She's been asking about Catlin. Larry's not thrilled. He doesn't think Clarice wants to see him any more.
Daphne said she should have fallen in love with Daniel. She'd rather a man involved with his work than other women. [Of course other women ARE Michaud's work.] She hopes someday to free herself of the need of Michaud.
Michaud pressed Sally. He showed her the dress. She said it was too fancy. He told her to wait and see herself in it. He told her of La Nuit d'Or. Her gala. He told her he'd known [she should be the Lesoleil Woman] as soon as he'd seen her because she looked so radiant and full of love. She has to talk to Catlin [Michaud's being most offensively aggressive in trying to sway her]. He thinks Catlin would want this for her. She wanted the cabin Catlin built. This could change her life.
Nancy told Chris she'd felt a lot of pressure to be "BUBBLY NANCY" again after Perry died. She was on the verge of confessing about the Ecstasy I think but backed off. He asked her to talk to him. She told him about Muffy and the fight and the drugs. She told him it had been a week since she had taken it but she's afraid of getting depressed and falling again. He said he wouldn't let her. He said if she ever felt depressed she could call him ANY TIME. ANYWHERE. She says she can't tell the family. He was wildly kind. She cried.
Daphne appeared and was brusque. Sally left. Michaud made her promise to call ASAP. They dealt with Rachel. Daphne will write a corporation cheque. Michaud's a naughty boy for writing rubber cheques on his own account without thinking. Daphne told him to think of where he'd be without her.
Larry can't ever find Clarice at home on the phone. He's worried. He told MJ about plotting the detective agency. He suggested she come with them. [How SWEET. At least it's not Brittany.] She likes being a cop. She's up for a promotion. She suggested he rescind his resignation. She suggested he live in the McKinnon house. A free lumpy mattress until he gets his act together.
Daphne's corporation cheque floated through effortlessly. Rachel: I should've gone to Daphne Grimaldi first instead of Michaud. Obviously she runs the money. Mac: Well I'm still going to run a check on Lesoleil before I put my money in. Rachel: Why, because a WOMAN runs the finances? Mac: Yes, Rachel, I think all women should do nothing but sit by the fire and knit tiny garments, that's why I married you THREE TIMES. Enter Nancy and Chris going to swim. The Corys hastily had work to do LEAVING THEM ALONE [both couples]. "Ooh, you're such a devil."
Sally told Catlin about everything. She was bubbling over with excitement but not sure whether she wanted to or not. At first Catlin was interested and impressed. Then he got pugnacious and not fond of Michaud. Then he got subdued briefly and then suggested wildly and upsettedly [?] that it was MORE THAN A JOB OFFER. [HE hasn't told Sally about Larry's plot. He ought.]
Chris gave Nancy the pendant like Perry's ring to cheer her up when she feels low. He's glad she told him.
Daphne borrowed ANOTHER $500,000 from Gerhard. He was reluctant. She must have the money by tomorrow and Michaud must not be told. [I'm a little confused. It might not be Gerhard and it's not borrowed from bankers.]
Sally was mildly incredulous. Catlin got a little nasty about what she'd be neglecting [not being so blunt of course and centering largely on Kevin]. She tried to reason with him. Catlin: And this is all because you have the perfect face and the perfect body, right? Sally: That's what he says. Catlin: Well, I agree, it's great – there's only one thing – Sally: WHAT? Catlin: If you're doing all that there's no way you can get pregnant. [Interesting theory, unless of course it's a threat.]
Chris [whose father knew Carl] recalls meeting Perry once a long time ago. Nancy was thrilled. It's like Perry SENT Chris to her. Helps her feel less disloyal. He might have kissed her.
Catlin ceased being nasty and said sincerely he trusted her and whatever made her happy made him happy. She'll tell Michaud now.
Daphne perceived that Sally hadn't accepted yet and said mockingly "POOR Michaud." He instructed her to spare her pity. He has yet to lose a woman he's wanted. Sally called and declined. He hung up hurriedly. Daphne was sympathetic. Michaud intends to change Sally's mind.