Scott demanded an explanation. Cheryl said she didn't want to talk about it. Enter Mary.
Brittany told Peter he didn't have anyone on his side any more and even his sisters were fed up with him.
Gomez told Nicole she had honestly believed Donna was out. No one believed her.
Mac got out of his car and knocked on the door. Rachel was worried. Mitch told her to let him in. Mac burst in in a jealous rage.
Mary issued a few very motherly reproofs. ("Since when do you behave like that? I'm ashamed of you, Scott." He'd hurt Cheryl's arm a little trying to make her stay and talk.) Cheryl told her it was OK. Scott sulked. Mary intervened. She said she'd talk to each of them individually and get this straightened out.
The stablehands agree the bad horse is dangerous. They told Peter they'd take him out to the track and run some of the wildness out of him. Exeunt the boys. Brittany elaborated on her sister story. She told Peter Donna and Nicole didn't love him anymore because he was so attached to his father and they knew how he treated her. He refused to believe her. She accused him of having bought the horse to kill her.
Mac carried on something awful. Mitch refused to fight him. Mark accused him of doing it because he was an old man. He accused Rachel of cheating on him. She told him to shut up and listen.
Gomez is too cute for words. She apologized for her mistake. Exit Gomez. Jamie yelled at Donna for being a sloppy, uncaring patient and told her to present herself at his office first thing tomorrow. Michael promised to bring her in second thing -- right after the wedding. He wants her to be tuned up for the honeymoon. Nicole is considering going to Europe. Jamie seems inclined to have her stick around.
Nancy saw Cheryl and Mary talking and worried for fear she'd said too much unnunlike stuff about men.
Cheryl told Mary about the time Jimmy Spooner refused to see her again when she got chicken pox. (She was five and he was seven.) she told her Nancy had scared her a little with her talk about very delicately phrased subjects. Mary was very careful in her language. She told Cheryl she loved her. She changed children.
Peter told Brittany he'd let her go to prevent her telling about the baby. She said he had until tomorrow at noon to get her the money.
Rachel told Mac sha wasn't having an affair with Mitch. Mitch wouldn't help her out when she said kissing him had been a fleeting impulse. He said it was more than that. Mac was upset when he found Rachel had kept the apartment secretly all these years. He asked if she were in love with Mitch. She said she wasn't but she couldn't explain satisfactorily. She told Mitch never to come back there again. Mac told him never to come into his house again. He can see Matthew but he mustn't show his face on Cory property ever again. Mac and Rachel went out. The situation is not good.
Mary asked Scott what his feelings for Cheryl were. She corrects his grammar beautifully. He was forced to admit he liked Cheryl more than chocolate chip ice cream. [She's such a great Mother. She's cuter than Gomez, even.] She told him since he was older and more experienced he wasn't to rush Cheryl into anything. He must be responsible.
Michael kissed Donna silly. He's looking forward to tomorrow. Donna is happy when she's in her right mind. He told her Marley and Jake had said they might make an extended visit in Europe. Enter Peter and Nicole. Donna very sweetly asked Peter to come to her wedding. She said she loved him but he said if there was a choice between Daddy and Michael it had to be Daddy. He wished her all the luck in the world.
Cheryl told Nancy she was afraid she'd said the wrong things to her mother about Scott. Nancy apologized for having gone too far yesterday. Cheryl very gravely told her she hadn't and she appreciated the advice from a more experienced older woman. Scott dragged Cheryl out to talk. Nancy got weird about the more experienced older woman part.
Ada perceived Mitch looking sad and gave him a beer. She advised him forget about Rachel. He said he couldn't.
Mac told Rachel off for being a coward and a cheat. They argued about Rose.
Ada warned Mitch not to break up Rachel's marriage. Shhe told him people couldn't always have what they wanted and he had to face the fact that Rachel would never leave Mac for him. She went to Mary and told her it was OK to come in anytime and she was her friend. She advised her to get to know Vince.
Scott and Cheryl discussed their mothers advice. They are going to date and hang out for a while.
Brittany got mad at Peter because he's had her baby taken away again.
Rachel tried to convince Mac kissing Mitch meant nothing. He was not appeased. She swore it wouldn't have gone any further. she sobbed and swore she didn't love Mitch, she loved her home and family and Mac. She sobbed and sobbed.