Dee told Victoria life was slowed down to a crawl. Victoria said it would pick up. Dee conceded it might make it up to a fast crawl. Victoria has miles to go before she sleeps so she'll be biffing along. Dee asked innocently and self consciously after Jake.
Larry questioned Chris about Adrienne. She's still in surgery. Clarice returned to tell Larry not to come to see the kids until she'd gone to work.
Jake called Victoria in his room. WHERE'S MARLEY? YOU DIDN'T LET HER GET AWAY FROM YOU, DID YOU?
Catlin started in at Larry for letting Clarice escape so easily. Larry took refuge behind Brittany metaphorically. Catlin said there was nothing going on between him and Brittany (and one gets the feeling he doesn't think there is or should be but wishes his dear ones wouldn't suspect it and Brittany wouldn't attempt to cultivate it). Larry said he'd buy that if Catlin would buy his story. He said he owed Adrienne this hanging around for the bullet she took for him. Catlin (who didn't seem any too fond of Emily either) said she wasn't innocent. Larry took her side. Catlin intends to argue with him about that this.
Donna was pleased with her sale. Daphne wants to see her father's Egyptian things. Donna waxed garrulous and Daphne cut her short. Donna will ask Peter. Daphne wants to buy the rest of the Egyptian collection. Donna will think about it. Daphne offered her a job as her assistant. Donna protested she was unskilled. Daphne said it would just be social liaison. Donna was coy and accepted. She'll call later re salary. They have so much in common they feel they've found friends. Exit Daphne. Donna wants to tell Victoria.
Jake told Victoria he couldn't talk Marley round. They quarreled. "[water damaged page, illegible text], that's all." "Well IN and AROUND all this worrying are you having a good time?" Enter Marley so Jake said it was KBAY on the phone. She said "You don't have to go back, do you?" Victoria said "I HEARD that" and rang off mimicking Marley's "You don't have to go back, do you?" in her Marley voice. She read the messages from Maisie from Marley and stood about begging Jake in her Marley voice not to go back. "I want you to show me everything. I want you – I want you." [She's psycho, I tell you. She smashed something.]
Sally tried to mediate for the brothers. She told them it hadn't been a picnic for Clarice. Larry said he knew. She added she [Sally] hadn't had that thrilling a time of it and Catlin said it couldn't be helped. She said she understood but she wasn't pleased with Brittany's involvement. Chris appeared to tell them Adrienne is going into ICU. Not great though. Catlin and Sally tried to convince Larry to go home before Clarice left but he's staying to think. Sally lost patience and dragged Catlin off.
Dee rushed to investigate Victoria's smashing. Victoria excused her presence and Dee offered to help clean up the broken mirror. Dee asked about twinness. "You know they say some twins even like the same guys." Vic wasn't thrilled. They get along okay. Vic told Dee she'd talked to Jake who's at the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. Dee feels her future as a mechanic is secure.
Jake's bike is emitting white smoke. They're stuck. The mechanic can't have it until tomorrow morning at the earliest. They have to übernacht. She won't tell Donna (she'd strangle him). They'll discover the wonders of Allegheny Ohio together.
Catlin & Sally at Smiley's. Catlin: Remember our honeymoon? We sat at every meal and held hands. Makes me feel like a newlywed again. (As I recall they never made it to meals, spending all their time in bed and not coming up for air for five days.) Sally: We're not exactly an old married couple, Catlin. Catlin: We will be. [Very nearly indisputable logic except of course they're doomed.] Sally: Catlin, believe me, it's just for a little while longer. [This strikes me as cryptic in the extreme.] Catlin: Okay, I guess so. Sally: You know I owe you an apology. Catlin: What for? Sally: For thinking that something was going on with Brittany. I couldn't help it. Catlin: Do you know that Brittany was the hero of this whole thing — Sally: I know — Catlin: and that I was worried about her? Sally: I know, I know, and I understand that — it's just that — I know I can trust you — even if it is with Brittany [also a bit strange but we'll let it pass]. PAUSE. Catlin: What do you say we get back to talking about us? Sally: That's my favourite subject. Catlin: Okay. First of all, I need a new job. Sally: Mhm. Catlin: A good job. Sally: Mhm. Catlin: something that'll support a growing family. PAUSE. Sally: And what does that mean? Catlin: Just that I want you to be pregnant by the end of the month*. [Good god. How does he expect this? For one thing Alice is nowhere in sight and for another they haven't been home at the same time for quite a while. Not properly since the end of June, really.] Sally: Just like that? Catlin: Just like that. Sally: Well don't I have any say in this? Catlin: I want a family real bad. [This probably means that for reasons best known to Alice Sally can't have children (Kevin?) and Brittany will suddenly seem very attractive indeed. Or surrogate motherhood (ick) or Sally will get paranoid about sleeping with him because of his unhealthy interest in her insides. Revolting but some people just don't know when to leave well enough alone.] Sally: Well I know that, sweetheart, but I think that we should think about this. Catlin: I have thought about it** and this is perfect timing. Your job is next to nothing now at Corys. Sally: well yeah but I've been offered the freelance job at Lesoleil. Catlin: Lesoleil? That fancy beauty parlour? Sally: oof. Felicia would not like to hear it called THAT. Catlin found out from Clarice Larry hadn't needed their advice and gone home to see the kids AND HER.
The Loves are going to celebrate and celebrate big with champagne. Victoria asked why granddad had given HER away. Donna doesn't know. She's inviting Chris to celebrate. "It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is to fall in love with a poor man. You remember that." "I'll try." Donna fled to dress. Bridget asked about Jake. Victoria said she had to fight for him.
The bike will cost $210. They're running low on cash. They haven't enough to stay in a motel. The mechanic directed them to a park to camp. Jake has a sleeping bag. ("For two?" "No, no, probably not." "Have you TRIED it?" "No.")
Catlin and Sally discussed discussing the Lesoleil job offer. The upshot was they think they can discuss better sleeping. (Kevin is at Joey's. This discussion is likely to take all night.) Catlin went to settle up with Clarice who told him the baby sitter had said Larry had come and gone. She doesn't understand.
Donna collared Chris. She hopes he'll hit it off with Victoria. She dredged up their fathers' friendship. He wasn't wildly interested in her chat regarding Chapin's Egyptian thingies [say, is Nancy's ring a PIVOTAL clue in Daphne's messing about?]. She offered to buy some (she's sure they're next to worthless). He told her of his pendant and Nancy's ring. She told him Victoria was the one who was rabid to have him over.
Marley's big adventure. She's sure Victoria's done a lot of this sort of thing. After Lassiter she'd like to see Jake's hometown of Johnstown. He wouldn't. He tried to convince her to go to a state park with him. He said he didn't want to go to Lassiter. He just wants to be alone with her. "I don't want to hurt you, Jake. I don't want to have you hurt me. I've just never felt like this before."
Larry thinks Catlin should be made a cop. (NO.) MJ thinks they should have a beer.
Donna suggested a salary of $1,000/wk. Daphne offered $850. Donna dithered and gave in. She found Victoria's dress too provocative. She sent her to get into Irish linen for a Chapin. Donna's biding her time to confess motherhood to the world.
Marley's soul-searching. Victoria has opened her eyes. Donna is sham. She [Donna]'s unhappy. Jake took Donna's side. Marley wants to be free, unlike Donna. That's why Jake is good for her.
Donna asked Chris about finding his father's Egyptian things. He's not interested. Bridget appeared bearing champagne and pâté. Donna toasted to her job and Lesoleil.
MJ told Clarice Larry's sad story. His emotions got all mixed up. Clarice is not receptive. He behaved badly but she still loves him. Exit MJ.
Music. No voices. A lot of rustling. Left to my own devices I take it to be the Ewings (illegally married) getting pregnant.
Clarice and Larry had a little chat. She told him she could accept his sleeping with Adrienne (I didn't hear him deny it) but she couldn't deal with the cruel and unusual punishment of being dropped along with the children like a hot potato even by him an undercover officer. I think he attempted to embrace her but she said "that may have worked with Adrienne but it won't with me. I'm too angry and too hurt."
Chris bade Victoria goodnight saying he'd have a terrific time. She told him he was pitching it too strong. The evening was merely OK. He conceded this. She informed him Donna had left them alone gracefully so he could ask her out. "If I do, will you accept?" "Not only that I'll faint dead away and run right upstairs and write in my diary what a great guy you are." He said his intuition told him she wasn't free to be seen more of. She conceded the point.
Marley's not afraid. There's room for two on the cot. SILENCE.
Ed. Note: Catlin has had a bee in his bonnet all along about children and various manifestations thereof. D'ye suppose it's possible in addition to everything else he thinks it will convince Brittany he prefers wifefinal? It's likely to drive Sally up a tree if he chats about it too much or talks to other people about it. (I remember when Ted and Georgette were trying to get pregnant she said darkly.) He seems to be perfectly willing to deal with a daughter (damned noble of him) whereas Carter is not. He shouldn't discuss this with Kevin until it's an accomplished fact. Not unless Sally is privy to it [the discussion. She'll presumably be in at the kill for the rest of it].
* I expect Catlin to say "Or I'll know the reason why." I expect Sally to say "If you were like this before Evan was conceived I don't wonder Brittany died." ↩
** Not good enough.↩