December 4, 1985

Chris and Nancy sproinging along in Arizona.

Larry was let into see Cass. I don't like Larry. I love Cass madly. Cass wants to interest him in a little breaking and entering.

Daniel took it upon himself to get a boat and search for Sally.

Donna was quite interested to hear from Peter that the Ewings had split. She told him she was so tired. But she'll come home tomorrow if the doctor gives the go ahead. She threw him out so she could rest. As soon as he was gone she closed the door and abandoned herself to the thrill of giving Catlin the recently freed a ring.

Daniel buzzed along, his eyes peeled. He called her name.

Larry balked at a possible five to ten. Cass told him he'd failed the interview and he wouldn't hire Ewing & Ewing. Larry said Kathleen had already hired them to handle the case. Cass explained that Carl had a room under the name Robert Murath and he thought it should be investigated. He'd do it himself but he favoured the judge who refused bail with a few choice epithets and he has little hope. Larry is so against Carl that he'll do what he can regarding Carl's room. He was unable to give word on Kathleen's loving instincts because Catlin had been the one to see her, but after Larry left Cass grinned tremendously and said "I knew she loved me."

Nancy and Chris dropped in on a recovered Hawk and told their story. Enter Mac, causing a joyful reunion. He wants to take a helicopter to make sure Carl drowned. "that man died before." Chris and Nancy are to go on ahead home in the private jet. Chris went to say goodbye to his horse.

Donna requested Catlin's professional services [interspersing the request with incidental chitchat]. He said he'd come over. She got out her pale blue sexy nightgown to prepare herself for his Momentous Visit saying his name overnover.

Sally came bounding out of hiding yelling to attract her rescuer's attention. He put in to shore and she ran down to meet him. She explained her plight breathlessly and let him enfold her in comforting embrace. He said they were too far away to get back before dark and they'd have to play Swiss Family Robinson.

Chris and Nancy on the plane chatted ceaselessly. He's looking forward to Bay City. She's not. She's afraid of her mother. And fed up with routine. He thinks life is exciting. He likes structure and reassurance. He suggested marriage.

Cass took horrible fits when Peter came to bail him out. He is not overfond of Peter.

I think Larry snuck into Carl's room.

Peter told Cass not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Cass is suspicious "what is your motive, other than being a horse bearing gifts?" Peter wants only to bash Carl into a hole in the ground for Emily's sake. Let's get Carl for the women in our life. Peter is on a first name basis with Cass' abused judge.

Nancy hesitated. She loves him but she loves the Corys and their pool and possibilities of adventure. He said he saw marriage as a big adventure. She said they were young [and she likes the tennis courts and horses]. He said he'd accept it. She said she was flattered. He said he wished he could say the same.

Daniel built a fire. Sally unconsciously moved away from him. He said he wished she wasn't so afraid. She said she was afraid of the dark [and rambled about herself as a child and Kevin]. She's glad he came. He was kind. He got her laughing. She shivered. He gave her his jacket.

I think somebody went out Carl's window just before Larry got in. He found Fayez' passport and photos of Rachel, very surprising.

Nancy was overcome with remorse. He forgave her. She thinks her brain is addled. She's afraid of Ada's reaction to the sex life. Ada called the plane and yelled at Nancy in a general sort of way about her traveling. She herself is going to a police convention in Fort Wayne. Nancy did a lot of hedging. Ada demanded to know what went on. Nancy claimed the connection was bad and hung up. Chris left her alone with her thoughts.

Donna drooled over Catlin and hastened to assure him she was physically fine. She was coy. She told him she was lonely. She talked about Sally. He was not inclined to pursue the subject and had it changed accordingly. She complained about Marley wanting to repay the stableboy some money they owed him. He was fogged. She offered to pay twice Marley's fee not to find Michael. He turned her down. She protested. And added her undying gratitude to the benefits of not finding. She said it didn't matter that much to Marley. He said she'd made her point but refused to agree to accept her offer. She got coyer and began feeling his face and saying "Catlin, PLEASE" and talking about his smile. And her being his former employer. And how she could be a lot of fun grateful. He pried her loose and informed her he avoided mixing business with pleasure whenever possible. She said she knew he was lonely and [dare I quote her?] "You cannot stand there and tell me a big strong man like you doesn't need to express his sexuality. I know you do, I've seen it. I know how full of energy you are." [Shall we all blush for her?] As her final argument she pointed out that he wasn't married any longer. He said he was and he still loved Sally. Exit Catlin promising to talk to Larry about her proposal [the one involving Marley, natch.] She leaned against the doorjamb and looked after him, pale and lovely.

Daniel and Sally huddled together for warmth. She said he was nice. He said he'd let Lesoleil spoil him with all the money and the lifestyle, particularly in Europe. He's leaving after the shoot to get a challenge. She was surprised to find he was so idealistic. She's impressed with his honesty and she'd like to trust him. He leaned closer and said "let go."

Nancy and Ada were reunited. Ada is relieved that everybody's alive. Chris left them alone. Ada demanded the truth about Arizona. True to form, Nancy hedged madly. The mother told her she knew ALL.

Cass is in a swell mood, having been sprung [temporarily]. Peter is less than delighted to hear Carl is dead. This hurts Cass' chances.

Sally and Daniel kissed passionately. She said it was wrong. He said it felt right. She conceded it did at that. He told her not to be afraid and they resumed the passionate kisses.




I do wish Sally had chosen to cleave Daniel in two with an axe at this point. He would of course bear a strong resemblance to a cabbage once cleaved [clove?]. Oh well. There's always tomorrow...

Let's keep on singing make way for tomorrow
the sun is bringing a new day tomorrow
don't let the clouds get you down
show me a smile not a frown
stand up and win turn about don't give in let's give out
to the blues just refuse to surrender
one smile and you are a true solid sender
what if it rains and it pours? it only rains out of doors
let every frown disappear and you'll find that tomorrow's here.