Rachel asked Mitch what he was doing there. He said he'd come to see her.
Donna got upset and hung up.
Peter and Brittany squabbled.
Timmy wants to save Cass Winthrop.
Gloria balked.
Cass and Kathleen told Cecile to talk. LaRusso appeared and agreed with them. He said this was the end. Cecile said that was ridiculous because if he killed Cass and Kathleen he would have nothing to hold over her head. He said he'd kill her too. She was appalled. Cass asked LaRusso if they he and LaRusso could talk privately. LaRusso posted Czaja to guard the women.
Brittany told Donna Peter had bruised her. Donna said if he had, which was doubtful, she had probably provoked it. Peter sent her to her room. Brittany told Donna she felt sorry for her but losing her [Donna's] baby was something she would never be able to get over.
Mitch said he'd gone to prison for trying to be with his son. He's out now. Rachel told him she wanted nothing more to do with him. He said he wasn't leaving until he saw his son. She told him Matthew had gone to camp for the whole summer. She asked him not to disrupt Matthews life.
Mac and Zane and Felicia discussed Rachel's rut. Felicia suggested new challenges. Zane wandered off to chat with Fingers and found that the five meals were still going strong.
Cass asked LaRusso to leave a blunt instrument lying around so that he could overpower him and Czaja and thereby lull Cecile into a false sense of security. Cass pled convincingly. LaRusso wavered.
The children observed the proceedings with interest.
Adam and MJ pled with Gloria's lawyer. He agreed to have another chat with her. Adam made a Top Secret phone call to Michael to say the Vulture had left Houston for Chicago and forbade him to go to Chicago. Michael was talked out of it.
Donna advised Peter to throw Brittany out without a cent. He said he wanted her to learn to love him. Donna told him he was so good. He asked if she loved Michael. She said he was the only man she had ever loved. Brittany reappeared and asked Peter if they could get their talk over with. He went on ahead. Brittany advised Donna to hang on to the man she loved in any way possible. Donna weighed the advice and found it good.
Michael phoned Donna and got no answer.
MJ can't understand Gloria's squeamishness. She went to see what was going on. She decided it was too late for the kids to be there. Timmy tried to show her the note he'd found but she turned her attention to Gloria. She asked her to help her sister. Gloria agreed.
Rachel answered Mitch's polite inquiries about Mac and Amanda and Matthew and her life. She said she was happy. He said she was bored.
Felicia sent Mac home to Rachel. Zane invited her to go for a ride.
Michael returned to his own bed and found Donna in it. There was a certain amount of desultory chitchat and he said he loved her no matter what happened. She said she loved him. And asked what he meant by no matter what. He told her not to talk.
Peter told Brittany they might be going out to a late supper with Mac and Rachel. He assured her he wasn't going to hit her for rummaging through his briefcase.
Zane phoned Adam to ask if he should go to the Happy-go-lucky diner. MJ took the call and said he could go but be careful. MJ ordered food for the kids and called their parents.
Adam put Gloria under and asked about the word frolic.
Cass showed a baseball bat to Kathleen and Cecile. They were delighted. He confided the real circumstances in Kathleen. He's going to double cross poor LaRusso and really hit him and leave Cecile behind.
Serious silence. Kissing. The phone rang. It was pulverised.
Zane told Felicia they were going to the Happy-go-lucky diner. She thinks they might find Cass.
Rachel told Mitch to stay off her property and away from her family. Enter Mac.
Adam sent someone to bust up the party in Michaels bedroom to say the Vulture was in Bay City. Michael apologised to Donna.
Gloria came up with frolic and fun.
Timmy got MJ's attention at last. She read Fun and Frolic Land and raced to tell Adam.
Gloria preceded to Fun and Frolic Land.
Kathleen called for Czaja and LaRusso to come in.