Until a few years ago, these shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), located on the north shore of the Ottawa River just upstream from the Deschênes rapids at 45°23'N 75°49'W, were believed to be the most northerly-climate naturally-reproducing population of their species in the world. They are growing half a zone north of their normal range, and exposed to the full blast of winter winds across the river. |
There are 70 mature trunks, the largest 50 cm DBH. 10 trees are double-stem, 1 triple. About ten set seed in 2001. There are many smaller trees around most of them, from seedling size up to 2 m tall. Light green marks trees >40 cm DBH; medium green, 20-40 cm; dark green, 10-20 cm. The soil throughout is gritty sand and gravel so drainage is nearly perfect, but the adjacent river ensures that adequate moisture is always available to tap roots. |
The bark of several of the trees most exposed to the river wind has been abraded so much that no shag is left |
one of the exposed trees |