Distances are measured from the
trail dedication sign, in meters.
regional status: common, uncommon, sparse, rare;
escape from cultivation, naturalized non-native, planted
(reference: Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Ottawa-Hull Region, Canada; J.M.Gillett, D.J.White, 1978)
176 species
species | flowers | distance | status | |
Gerardia tenuifolia | slender gerardia | Sep | 0 | s |
Rhamnus frangula | alder-leaved buckthorn | Jun-Jul | 1 | cn |
Prunella vulgaris | heal-all | Jul-Sep | 11 | cn |
Cornus alternifolia | alternate-leaved dogwood | Jun | 14 | c |
Quercus macrocarpa | bur oak | May | 16 | p |
Pyrola elliptica | shinleaf | Jul | 21 | c |
Amelanchier canadensis | serviceberry | May | 52 | c |
Rosa blanda | wild rose | Jun | 56 | c |
Leonurus cardiaca | motherwort | Jul | 57 | cn |
Sonchus asper | spiny sowthistle | Aug | 57 | c |
Syringa vulgaris | lilac | May-Jun | 60 | cn |
Oenothera biennis | evening primrose | Jul-Sep | 60 | c |
Cirsium vulgare | bull thistle | Aug | 65 | cn |
Solanum dulcamara | climbing nightshade | Jun-Aug | 72 | c |
Parthenocissus vitaceaa | Virginia creeper | 76 | c | |
Echinocystis lobata | wild cucumber | Aug-Sep | 79 | c |
Solidago altissima | tall goldenrod | Aug-Sep | 80 | c |
Mentha arvensis | mint | Jul-Aug | 81 | c |
Cirsium arvense | Canada thistle | Jul-Sep | 82 | cn |
Impatiens capensis | touch-me-not | Jul-Sep | 86 | c |
Stachys tenuifolia | hedge nettle | Jul | 87 | c |
Acer negundo | Manitoba maple | 88 | c | |
Lonicera tatarica | honeysuckle | May-Jun | 91 | cn |
Verbascum thapsus | mullein | Jul-Sep | 91 | c |
Festuca pratensis | meadow fescue | May | 91 | un |
Rubus strigosus | red raspberry | Jun | 92 | c |
Galium triflorum | sweet bedstraw | Jun-Jul | 93 | c |
Bromus tectorum | downy brome | Aug | 93 | s |
Malus sylvestris | apple | May | 97 | c |
Picea glauca | white spruce | 100 | c | |
Prenanthes alba | white lettuce | Jul-Sep | 107 | u |
Oxalis stricta | yellow woodsorrel | May-Aug | 107 | c |
Urtica dioica | nettle | Jun-Sep | 117 | c |
Cornus rugosa | roundleaved dogwood | Jun | 122 | c |
Erigeron annuus | daisy fleabane | Aug-Sep | 124 | c |
Potentilla norvegica | rough cinqfoil | Jun | 128 | c |
Circaea lutetiana | enchanter's nightshade | Jul-Aug | 128 | c |
Potentilla arguta | tall cinqfoil | Jun-Jul | 133 | s |
Viola pubescens | downy yellow violet | May | 136 | c |
Diervilla lonicera | bush honeysuckle | Jun | 136 | c |
Actaea pachypoda | white baneberry | May-Jun | 137 | c |
Rumex acetosella | sheep sorrel | May-Jul | 141 | cn |
Taraxacum officinale | dandelion | May-Jun | 142 | cn |
Hieracium pilosella | mouse-ear hawkweed | Jun-Jul | 146 | s |
Erysimum cheiranthoides | wormseed mustard | Jun-Jul | 149 | cn |
Tragopogon dubius | goatsbeard | Jun-Jul | 154 | c |
Potentilla recta | sulphur cinqfoil | Jun-Jul | 156 | c |
Rudbeckia hirta | black-eyed susan | Jun-Sep | 156 | c |
Dianthus armeria | pink | Jul-Sep | 158 | cn |
Potentilla argentea | silvery cinqfoil | Jun | 160 | cn |
Oenothera parviflora | small sundrop | Jun-Jul | 161 | u |
Hieracium florentinum | smooth hawkweed | Jun | 161 | c |
Conyza canadensis | horseweed | Aug | 164 | c |
Stellaria graminea | lesser stitchwort | May-Jul | 166 | c |
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum | ox-eye daisy | Jun-Aug | 169 | cn |
Dactylis glomerata | orchard grass | Jun | 169 | cn |
Viola papilionacea | common blue violet | May | 175 | u |
Lycopodium complanum | flat ground pine | 177 | s | |
Cerastium fontanum | mouse-ear chickweed | Jun | 180 | cn |
Erigeron strigosus | strigose fleabane | Aug | 180 | c |
Silene vulgaris | bladder campion | Jun-Sep | 188 | c |
Rhus typhina | staghorn sumac | Jun-Sep | 190 | c |
Rubus allegheniensis | cane blackberry | Jun-Jul | 206 | c |
Tiarella cordifolia | foamflower | May-Jun | 210 | c |
Aegopodium podagraria | goutweed | Jun-Jul | 213 | cn |
Oenothera fruticosa | sundrop | Jun-Jul | 213 | e |
Oenothera missouriensis | sundrop | Jun-Jul | 213 | e |
Tragopogon pratense | twisted goatsbeard | Jun | 213 | c |
Trifolium pratense | red clover | Jun-Aug | 213 | cn |
Ajuga reptans | bugle | Jun | 217 | e |
Prenanthes altissima | nodding lettuce | Aug-Sep | 217 | c |
Carex crinita | fringed sedge | Jun-Jul | 217 | c |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium | blue-eyed grass | Jun | 220 | c |
Polygonum sagittatum | arrow-leaved tearthumb | Sep | 221 | u |
Equisetum arvense | field horsetail | May | 225 | c |
Equisetum sylvaticum | wood horsetail | May | 227 | c |
Erythronium americanum | dog-tooth violet | May | 227 | c |
Gymnocarpium dryopteris | 3-branched fern | 235 | c | |
Betula alleghaniensis | yellow birch | 240 | c | |
Convallaria majalis | lily-of-the-valley | May-Jun | 240 | e |
Thuja occidentalis | white cedar | 241 | c | |
Epilobium glandulosum | northern willowherb | Aug-Sep | 244 | c |
Fagopyrum sagittatum | buckwheat | Jun-Jul | 245 | e |
Carex intumescens | bladder sedge | May-Jul | 246 | c |
Aster novae-angliae | New England aster | Aug-Sep | 247 | c |
Carex vulpinoidea | fox sedge | Jun-Jul | 253 | u |
Melilotus alba | white melilot | Aug | 253 | c |
Lolium perenne | rye grass | Aug-Sep | 253 | un |
Eupatorium maculatum | spotted Joe-Pye | Jul-Sep | 257 | c |
Fragaria virginiana | strawberry | May-Jun | 260 | c |
Solidago graminifolia | narrow-leaved goldenrod | Jul-Sep | 261 | c |
Gallium palustre | marsh bedstraw | Jun | 262 | c |
Asclepias syriaca | common milkweed | Jul-Aug | 267 | c |
Agrostis gigantea | redtop | Jul | 267 | c |
Lotus corniculatus | birds-foot trefoil | Jun-Sep | 267 | cn |
Scirpus atrocinctus | black-girdled rush | Jun | 267 | u |
Bromus inermis | smooth brome | Jun-Jul | 267 | cn |
Vitis riparia | wild grape | Jun | 267 | c |
Medicago lupulina | black medic | Jun-Jul | 268 | cn |
Aster tradescantii | Tradescant's aster | Sep | 271 | u |
Glyceria striata | fowl meadowgrass | Jul-Sep | 273 | c |
Lobelia inflata | indian tobacco | Jul | 274 | c |
Quercus alba | white oak | May | 276 | p |
Festuca rubra | red fescue | May-Jul | 277 | un |
Poa palustris | meadowgrass | Jun-Jul | 277 | c |
Trifolium hybridum | alsike clover | Jun-Sep | 279 | cn |
Salix petiolaris | slender willow | 289 | c | |
Carya cordiformis | bitternut hickory | 290 | p | |
Setaria viridis | green foxtail | Jun-Aug | 290 | c |
Linaria vulgaris | butter&eggs | Jul-Sep | 294 | cn |
Hypericum perforatum | St.Johnswort | Jul-Aug | 296 | cn |
Solidago rugosa | rough goldenrod | Aug-Sep | 296 | c |
Aster umbellatus | flat-topped white aster | Aug-Sep | 296 | u |
Solidago canadensis | Canada goldenrod | Aug-Sep | 296 | c |
Solidago squarrosa | stout goldenrod | Aug | 296 | c |
Solidago juncea | early goldenrod | Aug | 296 | c |
Hieracium pratense | field hawkweed | Jun-Jul | 298 | s |
Quercus bicolor | swamp-white oak | 298 | p | |
Ranunculus acris | buttercup | May-Aug | 299 | c |
Convolvulus sepium | hedge bindweed | Jul-Aug | 300 | c |
Spirea alba | spirea | Jul-Sep | 300 | c |
Barbarea vulgaris | winter cress | May-Jun | 301 | cn |
Alnus rugosa | speckled alder | Jun | 303 | c |
Agropyron repens | quack grass | Jul | 314 | cn |
Parmelia appalachensis | grey lichen | 316 | ||
Phalaris arundinacea | reed grass | June | 326 | c |
Trifolium repens | white clover | Jun-Jul | 333 | cn |
Lythrum salicaria | purple loosestrife | Jul-Aug | 334 | cn |
Cornus stolonifera | red dogwood | Jun-Aug | 335 | c |
Vicia cracca | cow vetch | Jun-Sep | 337 | cn |
Sphagnum acutifolia | moss | 339 | ||
Sonchus arvensis | sowthistle | Jul-Sep | 339 | c |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow | Jun-Sep | 345 | c |
species | flowers | distance | status | |
Quercus borealis | red oak | May | 0 | p |
Carex gracillima | graceful sedge | May-Jul | 24 | c |
Lycopus americanus | water horehound | Jul | 33 | c |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | throughwort | Jul-Aug | 33 | c |
Erigeron philadelphicus | early fleabane | Jun-Aug | 35 | c |
Ranunculus abortivus | small-flowered crowfoot | May-Jun | 37 | c |
Populus tremuloides | trembling aspen | May | 39 | c |
Verbena hastata | blue vervain | Jul | 42 | c |
Juncus effusus | soft rush | Jun-Jul | 42 | c |
Geum aleppicum | yellow avens | Jun-Jul | 42 | c |
Viburnum lentago | nannyberry | Jun-Aug | 47 | c |
Rubus hispidus | dewberry | Jul | 58 | c |
Pinus strobus | white pine | 66 | c | |
Prunus serotina | black cherry | 66 | c | |
Trillium erectum | red trillium | May | 76 | c |
Trillium grandiflorum | white trillium | May | 97 | c |
Ulmus americana | American elm | 99 | c | |
Maianthemum canadense | mayflower | May-Jun | 102 | c |
Viola pallens | northern white violet | May | 111 | c |
Trillium undulatum | painted trillium | May | 129 | c |
Trientalis borealis | starflower | May-Jun | 138 | c |
Lycopodium clavatum | creeping clubmoss | Jul-Sep | 161 | c |
Rubus odoratus | thimbleberry | Aug | 162 | c |
Fragraria vesca | wood strawberry | Jul | 165 | u |
Dryopteris intermedia | wood fern | Jul | 171 | c |
Onoclea sensibilis | sensitive fern | Jul-Sep | 181 | c |
Osmunda claytoniana | interrupted fern | May-Jun | 186 | c |
Osmunda regalis | royal fern | Jun-Jul | 186 | c |
Osmunda cinnamomea | cinnamon fern | May-Jun | 186 | c |
Acer rubrum | red maple | 223 | c | |
Pohlia nutans | moss | 227 | ||
Sphagnum compactum | moss | 227 | ||
Aralia nudicaulis | wild sarsaparilla | May-Jun | 244 | c |
Smilacina stellata | starry false Solomon's seal | May-Jun | 249 | c |
Physica millegrana | green-when-wet lichen | 254 | ||
Candelaria concolor | yellow lichen | 254 | ||
Lycopodium obscurum | ground pine | May-Sep | 280 | c |
Viola septentrionalis | northern blue violet | May | 316 | c |
Arisaema triphyllum | jack-in-the-pulpit | May-Jun | 332 | c |
Betula pappyrifera | paper birch | 343 | c | |
Betula populifolia | gray birch | 343 | c | |
Plantago major | plantain | Aug | 365 | c |
Bidens frondosa | beggartick | Aug | 365 | c |
Commmon breeding birds that can be heard along the trail include :
Agelaius phoeniceus | red-winged blackbird | north meadow |
Catharus fuscescens | veery | central woods |
Colaptes auratus | flicker | |
Contopus virens | wood-pewee | west woods |
Corvus brachyrhynchos | American crow | |
Cyanocitta cristata | blue jay | |
Dendroica pensylvanica | chestnut-sided warbler | ridge bur oaks |
Dendroica petechia | yellow warbler | north meadow |
Dumetella carolinensis | catbird | north meadow |
Empidonax traillii | willow flycatcher | north meadow |
Geothlypis trichas | yellowthroat | north meadow |
Melospiza georgiana | swamp sparrow | north meadow |
Myiarchus crinitus | great crested flycatcher | central woods |
Parus atricapillus | black-capped chickadee | |
Scolopax minor | woodcock | north meadow |
Seiurus aurocapillus | ovenbird | west woods |
Turdus migratorius | robin | hydro corridor |
Vireo olivaceus | red-eyed vireo | west woods |
Zenaida macroura | mourning dove | hydro corridor |
Mammals along the trail include :
Canis latrans | coyote | tracks in winter, heard at dusk |
Castor canadensis | beaver | in the stream to the north of the trail |
Glaucomys sabrinus | northern flying squirrel | at dusk |
Lepus americanus | snowshoe hare | |
Marmota monax | woodchuck | |
Microtus pennsylvanicus | meadow vole | abundant in the north meadow |
Odocoileus virginianus | white-tailed deer | |
Sciurus carolinensis | grey squirrel | |
Tamias striatus | chipmunk | |
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | red squirrel | most easily seen and heard |
Two of our large dragonflies, Libellula lydia and and L. pulchella, are common in the north meadow spring and summer. Sympetrum obtrusum is often seen in late summer.