Ancestral Names of Sankey of Ottawa (Ontario Canada)

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Sankey  Sankey¶ Sankey Sankey Sankey Sankey Sankey Sankey Sankey
of Sankey Sankey Sankey Sankey | | | | Smoult Eaton
Ottawa | | | | | | | | Birch Birch
| | | | | | | Taylor Taylor
| | | | | | Jacob Jacob Jacob
| | | | | Villiers Villiers Minchin Minchin
| | | | Mills Mills
| | | O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara
| | | Dunn Duncan Duncan
| | Roe Roe Roe Roe Roe Roe Roe
| | Sankey Sankey¶ Mayhill Gresham
| | Mulock Mulock
| Ponton Ponton Ponton Ponton
| | | Johnston Johnston
| | Nisbet Nisbet Nisbet Lindsay
| | | Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart
| | Proven | | Gordon | Campbell  Campbell
| | | | Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart  ...  Stuart
| | | Home Home | | Tudor Attila
| | | Sutton | Erskine Cerdic
| Hutton Hutton Hutton Henderson Henderson Keith Keith Coel
| | Swanwick Swanwick Swanwick William
| | | Lawrence Matthewes
| | | Savage Savage | Rochdale
| | Hincks Hincks Henry Henry Henry Williams
| | Hulton
| McCrea McCrea McCrea McCrea McCrea
| Jack Stevenson McMorris McIntyre
Wallace  Wallace  Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace
| | | | Johnston
| | | Heatherington Heatherington
| | | Dickinson
| | Salkeld Salkeld Salkeld Salkeld Salkeld
| Watson Watson | | Hutton Hutton
| Gill | Simpson Simpson
| Storey Storey
Baker Baker Baker Baker Featherstone
| | Stevens Stevens
| Brown Sawyr royal
Woolley  Woolley titled
Neil Neil male
Bull female

John Sankey 1991