Brian: what do white streaks along most scan lines, stronger at the right, mean? They aren't there most of the time until, blip, the screen is full of them (usually after a channel change, after a few hours of operation, happening more often as something inside degrades). Also, the vertical retrace was showing up as a visible zig-zag line after the previous repair attempt (mind you, a visible vertical retrace is better than the no power situation that was the result of ignoring the streaks for too long).
At about noon, I got too tired and stopped to watch this morning's Babylon-5 episode, using a CBM 1701 monitor and a portable stereo. There was a big space battle between all three sides, that ended with the bad guys and the other ex-good-guys being convinced that their time in this galaxy was over. It was good enough to be a season finale. Vir even got to wave goodbye to the evil agent's head on a pike, like he had wanted to for so long. Still, next week the B5 people have to deal with Earth and the psi-corps grab for power. There's also one more season of shows planned by the author.
After that break, was another hour of snow shovelling. I finally finished, and stopped to write this. It's still snowing outside, but I won't bother telling you what I'm going to do with that snow. I think I'll take tomorrow off too...
- Alex
P.S. The book of the month is Vernor Vinge's A Fire upon the Deep. Really good science fiction, Mote in God's eye quality. Very good alien races and future cultures. Good writing and characterization too. Don't read the reviews in the front, they spoil one of the surprises (there are so many that it only spoils the first 30 pages).
Copyright © 1997 by Alexander G. M. Smith.