Canada 313396 (1960) -- Barbara Marie

Ian Earl Gorman

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Number, Date and Port of Registry:
     54 in 1960 - Charlottetown, P. E. I.

     1960      Barbara Marie
     1978      Miss Holly No. 2
     1984      Randall Kelley

Last registered:
     2000 -- still registered August 31, 2000

     Wagstaff and Hatfield Ltd., Port Greville, Nova Scotia.

Registry Data:
     Length:   62.2 ft.       Fore part of stem to fore side of head of rudder
     Beam:     17.7 ft.       Main breadth to outside of plank
     Depth:     7.6 ft.       Tonnage deck to ceiling amidships
                9.7 ft        Top of deck at side amidships to bottom of keel
                0.3 ft.       Round of beam
     Length of Engine Room:   12.6 ft.

     Wood fishing vessel, One deck, Two masts, Not rigged, Raked stem, Transom
     stern, Three bulkheads.

     One shaft, one diesel engine (6 cylinders, bore 5.75 ", stroke 8 ",
     N.H.P. 3, B.H.P. 150, 8 knots).  Engine made 1960 by Caterpillar Tractor
     Co., Peoria, Ill., U.S.A.

     Tons  Cubic metres       Description

     54.96               Under tonnage deck
      5.13               Forecastle
      7.65               Deck houses
      1.35               Space for Machinery, Light and Air
     69.09    195.52     Gross tonnage
     18.22     51.56     Deduction, space used for propelling power
     50.87    143.96     Register tonnage
      6.05               Engine room spaces below upper decks
      1.35               Total space framed in ve upper decks for machinery,
                         light and air
      0.69               Wheel space    | Total 1.83 Tons above upper deck,
      0.67               Toilet         | not included in the cubical contents
      0.47               Booby hatch    | forming the ship's register tonnage

     Eldredge-McInnis Inc., Hingham, Mass., U.S.A.
     Hull 454 (stern trawler, 65 ft. L.O.A.)

NOTES:    Corr. No. ("Signal letters if any") 9254-25003    Micro Ref 0212722

     Oct. 21, 1960       Richard Power (M.O.), fisherman, Souris, P.E.I.
     Feb. 23, 1976       Michael Keus (M.O.), fisherman, Souris, P.E.I.
     Nov. 24, 1977       Daniel Baker Kenney Jr., (M.O.), fish dealer,
                         Westport, Digby County, N.S.
     Jan.  4, 1978       Roy Albert Graham (M.O.), mariner, Westport, Digby
                         County, N.S.
     Feb.  7, 1983       Rakell Fisheries Limited, Digby, N.S.

Registered Transactions and Events:

     Nov. 23, 1960, 11:00 a.m.
          Mortgage "A" (dated Oct.  21, 1960) for $60,000 and interest at
          5.75% per annum, given by Richard power to the Fisherman's Loan
          Board of Prince Edward Island, head office at Charlottetown, P.E.I.

     Jan. 26, 1961, 10:00 a.m.
          Mortgage "B" (dated Feb. 9, 1960) for $7,500 and interest at 6% per
          annum, given by Richard power to Usen Fisheries, head office at
          Charlottetown, P.E.I.

     June 17, 1970
          Fisherman's Loan Act repealed and all assets of the Fisherman's Loan
          Board of P.E.I. transferred to the Prince Edward Island Lending
          Authority, head office in Charlottetown, P.E.I., by the Prince
          Edward Island Lending Authority Act of 6 June, 1969, Cap.  41, 18
          Eliz.  II

     Mar. 13, 1974, 9:00 a.m.
          Mortgage "C" (dated Mar. 1, 1974) to secure sum due on account
          current and interest at 9% per annum, given by Richard Power to
          Prince Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at
          Charlottetown, P.E.I.

     July 17, 1974. 10:30 a.m.
          Discharge of Mortgage "A" (receipt dated July 12, 1974) by Prince
          Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at Charlottetown,

     Apr. 18, 1975, 11:15 a.m.
          Mortgage "D" (dated Apr.  9, 1975) to secure sum due on account
          current and interest at 10% per annum, given by Richard Power to
          Prince Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at
          Charlottetown, P.E.I.

     Feb. 24, 1976, 3:00 p.m.
          Bill of sale (dated Feb. 23, 1976) from Richard Power to Michael Keus
          (M.O.), a fisherman of Souris, P.E.I.

     Feb. 24, 1976, 3:30 p.m.
          Mortgage "E" (dated Feb.  23, 1976) to secure sum due on account
          current and interest at 11% per annum, given by Michael Keus to
          Prince Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at
          Charlottetown, P.E.I.

     Mar. 24, 1976, 2:35 p.m.
          Mortage "B" (to Usen Fisheries) discharged by authority of Section
          77 of Transport order No.  86 in 1976, dated March 18, 1976, without
          production of the original mortgage deed.

     Jan. 6, 1977, 3:00 p.m.
          Discharge of Mortgage "C" (receipt dated June 18, 1976) by Prince
          Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at Charlottetown,

     Jan. 6, 1977, 3:10 p.m.
          Discharge of Mortgage "D" (receipt dated June 18, 1976) by Prince
          Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at Charlottetown,

     Nov. 17, 1977, 9:15 a.m.
          Discharge of Mortgage "E" (receipt dated Nov.  8, 1977) by Prince
          Edward Island Lending Authority, head office at Charlottetown,

     Dec. 14, 1977, 3:30 p.m.
          Bill of sale (dated Nov.  24, 1977) from Michael Keus to Daniel
          Baker Kenney Jr.  (M.O.) a fish dealer of Westport, Digby County,

     Jan. 24, 1978, 4:00 p.m.
          Bill of sale (dated Jan.  4, 1978) from Daniel Baker Kenney to Roy
          Albert Graham (M.O.) a mariner of Westport, Digby County, N.S.

     Jan. 24, 1978, 4:05 p.m.
          Mortgage "F" (dated Jan.  4, 1978) for $21,000 free of interest,
          given by Roy Albert Graham to Daniel Baker Kenney Jr.  (M.O.) a fish
          merchant of Westport, Digby County, N.S.

     Jan. 25, 1978
          Registry of vessel transferred to port of Digby, N.S.  Certificate
          of registry delivered up and forwarded to port of Digby, N.S.

     Date as per former registry (Jan 24, 1978, 4:05 p.m.)
          Mortgage "A" (dated Jan.  4, 1978) for $21,000 free of interest,
          given by Roy Albert Graham to Daniel Baker Kenney Jr.  (M.O.) a fish
          merchant of Westport, Digby County, N.S.

     May  27, 1978
          Authority granted by Transport Order No.  166 in 1978, dated Apr.
          26, 1978, to change the name from "Barbara Marie" to "Miss Holly
          No. 2".

     June 28, 1978, 3:30 p.m.
          Mortgage "A" (dated Jan.  4, 1978) transferred from Daniel Baker
          Kenney Jr.  to Holly Fisheries Limited, head office at Westport,
          Digby County, N.S.

     Feb. 7, 1983, 11:20 a.m.
          Discharge of Mortgage "A" (dated Jan. 4, 1978) by Holly fisheries

     Feb. 7, 1983, 11:30 a.m.
          Bill of sale (dated Feb.  7, 1983) from Roy Albert Graham, a mariner
          of Westport, Digby County, N.S. to Rakell Fisheries Limited head
          office at P.O. Box 64, Wedgport, Yarmouth County, N.S.

     Feb. 7, 1983
          William V. Cottreau, fisherman, of P.O. Box 64, Wedgport, Yarmouth
          County, N.S. designated manager.

     Feb. 7, 1983, 11:35 a.m.
          Mortgage (dated Feb.  7, 1983) to secure the sum of $220,000 with
          interest as agreed, given by Rakell Fisheries Limited to the Royal
          Bank of Canada, head office at Montreal, P.Q., branch office at
          Yarmouth, N.S.

     Feb. 7, 1983, 11:40 a.m.
          Mortgage (dated Feb.  7, 1983) to secure the sum of $20,000 with
          interest as agreed, given by Rakell Fisheries Limited to Alan
          Fisheries Limited, head office at Digby, N.S.

     Jan 23, 1984
          Authority granted by Transport Order No.  198 in 1983, dated May 19,
          1983, to change the name from "Miss Holly No.  2" to "Randall

     Dec 16, 1986
          Alteration: Engine B.H.P. 254, Speed 9 knots

     Dec 16, 1986
          091086 Certifciate of Survey dated at Yarmouth, NS, July 17, 1986

          -- Registry still open as of Aug 31, 2000 --

     Identification of Barbara Marie as Eldredge-McInnis design 454 is based
     on inference, and is almost certainly correct.  See notes on P.E.I.
     Fisherman's Loan Board wooden trawlers.