Those whom the Gods wish to destroy,
              They first make Mad.

Growth in Canada 1970-1979 Sciences 2.0%, Management 17 % per annum

Figure showing the stunted growth of  creative science, the expanding miasma of social sciences and humanities engineering,
 and the exploding malignancy of parasitical, bean-counting, management. Canada 1971-1991.
 Published by Industry Canada: Resource Book for Science and Technology Consultations: Vol. 2, August 1994.

I arrived during the second half of 1970, by 1991 Canada could boast an increase of :
625% in  managers of science, 560 % in statisticians, 550% in social managers
370% in social scientists,  280% in non-science professionals,  240% in workers in general
200% in engineers and scientists combined, including 180% in life scientists,
and 125% in physical scientists.
The knuckle-walker evolved in a niche that demanded kissing-arse, sucking up and vicious, short- sighted fighting in high turf.