Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa Tara Players Theatre of Ottawa

Orrin C. Kerr

Orrin C. Kerr

S. B. O'Donnell
Philadelphia, Here I Come

          This is Orrin's 40th theatrical production. Most of his thespian career has been spent with the Tara Players, but Orrin became part of the amateur theatre community back in the mid 70's. It was with the Thompson Players, in Thompson, Manitoba, where he made the fascinating discovery, "So this is where all the pretty, single, young women in Thompson are!!"

          Orrin has also performed with the Domino Players of Kingston, Ontario; Ottawa Little Theatre, Nepean Little Theatre, and also Lakeside Players. He has been stage manager and director, but mainly acted. He finds the craft a nice change from his Web programming work.

          "Geek by day, thespian by night!" says Orrin.

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