Robolab Programming

This page reviews the basic lego Robolab programming instructions using the example of the program for the Bumper Cars.

Reading from left to right in the example above:

Notice the Tools Palette at the end of the program. This is where your can select different mouse pointers for different purposes. The one that is mainly used for selecting and moving objects is the white arrow in the middle of the top row. The big letter A beside it chooses to edit text or number boxes (for changing values). The orange spool at the start of the next row is for wiring the instructions together.

Look at the top of the main programming window. In the row of buttons below the menu, the first white arrow is for downloading the program to the RCX. It also shows if the wiring is correct: when it looks broken, the wiring is wrong, when it looks clean, the wiring is probably OK and the program is ready to download. Don't forget to

  1. turn on the RCX using the red power button
  2. select which program slot to use on the RCX (3, 4, 5 are best)
  3. aim the communicator towards the "front" of the RCX and cover them so other RCX's nearby are not affected
  4. click on the white arrow to start downloading
  5. wait for the RCX to make its happy bleep
  6. use the green button on the RCX to start the program running; press it again to stop the program